Chapter 8~ The New Adventure

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I woke up feeling better than yesterday but a bit dizzy and sore but I can't let that ruin my day. I got up and stretched out of my bed with a loud yawn. Once I got up my body started to hurt more I noticed some scratches on my arms and legs which were stinging a bit but not as bad as my back did in the past. I got out of my tent with the sun going onto my skin it felt amazing. I guess the sun heals me in a way? I looked at my cuts that were fading away the more the sun came on them. "Morning Amber sorry I wasn't here yesterday when you got hurt I didn't know and me and Oliver went hunting for a bit." Heather stated while cooking some meat. I sat down on a log and put my hair into a pony tail. "It's fine I'm just sore and the sun helps." I explained. Heather looked at me with a gasp. "The side of your face has a huge scratch on it!" She cried. I put my hand on the side of my face and felt a big sting, I didn't notice the scratch... "It's ok! Again the sun will heal it." I added with a giggle. Even though it was sort of funny I had to admit it did hurt now and it's bleeding. "It's just you and me for now Oliver is sleeping in and Blake went for a walk... do pu want a wet cloth?" Heather suggested. I smiled and nodded my head. Heather got a cloth from a bag and soaked it in a small bucket of water. "Here you go." She said as she handed the cloth to me. I placed the wet cloth on my scratch, it hurt a lot but I'm not gonna complain. I toke the cloth of and saw a lot of blood on it. "Aw man this sucks!" I complained. "Trust me I've seen worse!" Heather laughed. "Well no kidding Heather!" I laughed back. "By the way nice dress and all but it's all ripped and has blood on it..." Heather mumbled. I didn't really noticed till now that my dress was ripped with blood stains all over it until she brought it up I guess I should change it and Heather could see magic! "Do u wanna see some magic?!" I asked excitedly. Heather bounced up and nodded. I though of what I wanted to wear something different....

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