Chapter 10~ My NightMare...

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I was in the adoption centre again... out of all things this random guy makes me dream about this?! Wait if this is a dream how does this feel so real... maybe the needle made it like this. There was this piece of paper in my hand and it said this; To past the test it may be hard but you need to forget all about your soon crushed heart...What the heck could that mean "him"?. I saw Bryan on his bed, it was one of the best feelings ever to see him again. "Bryan!" I squeaked going up to him with a bright smile. Bryan gave me the stink eye. "Go away you little annoying brat." Bryan snapped. My heart sunk, what is going on?! This is my worst nightmare being at this stupid adoption centre with Bryan hating me. I couldn't describe the feeling of my pain looking at him when he called me a annoying brat. "What do you mean? I never did anything to you!" I protest. Bryan got up from his bed and narrowed his eyes at me. "So when we first met, at the cafeteria and you spilled all your food on me on purpose and embarrassed me, calling me a weird nerd is nothing?! Then you never ever talking to me until now?!" Bryan shouted. I would never have done this! This dream was nothing I could have imagined it could be, my heart was breaking more and more every moment he would say something of what I did to him. "I'm sorry..." I mumbled going to my bed I laid on the bed and looked at the wall where Bryan couldn't see my face so he couldn't see the tears going down my face. I breathed in heavy, wiped my tears and left the room to go to the bathroom. And guess who I bump into my bully, her name is Lisa she had silky light brown hair that went below her shoulders with sky blue eyes. "Look what we have here miss redhead!" She laughed. I tried walking pass her but she blocked my way with her arm. "Leave me alone." I exclaimed. Lisa did her annoying giggle when she annoys me. "No and don't tell me what to do nerd, and what are you wearing a garbage bag?!" She laughed and tugged my hair. I pulled my hand into a fist wanting to punch her but I was afraid of what would happen but this test what was it about to face my fear...? I don't know of what it could be but it sounded like the most reasonable explanation. I pushed Lisa away from me and narrowed my eyes. "I said leave me alone!" I snapped. Lisa stomped up to me and slapped me in the face now it's on. "Don't touch me." She spat. "Too late." I stated. I punched her in the nose and saw that it was about to leave but just to finish it I kicked her in the gut as she fell onto the floor with a shriek of pain. "LISA! You poor thing! Amber what the heck is wrong with you?!" I saw Bryan coming out of the room running to Lisa, but it didn't make sense Bryan hates Lisa! I knew that u had to smarten up and ignore him so snickered and left back to the room. It was late already, maybe I past the test I don't know why but I don't feel anything for Bryan anymore, they say he treated me wasn't right in fact I sort of disliked him. I laid on my bed with a smile I sort of like the feeling of not worrying about him anymore, and getting to smash Lisa's nose. I giggled thinking about how much pain Lisa would be going through and everything froze and I felt something I've never felt before...
Wow two chapters in one day hmph that's pretty good if you ask me! Here have a cookie! 🍪

Wolfy out~

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