Chapter 12~ Oliver's nightmare...

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Great I was stuck in a dam nightmare thanks man who made me do this! I might as well just kill myself! Ugh I'll just pass it and get it over with, there was a small piece of paper in my hand it looked like a note so I decided to read the darn thing what could possibly go wrong...? I opened up the small note and it said this, Be careful to your heart ignore your pain like a dart, for your love shall be ripped away... Wow... Ok this is fricken creepy this guy knows I like Heather?! Ima have a little chat with him later! Wait so the test is... To have Heather ripped from me?!?!?! But by who... I noticed I was at camp! My dream was going pretty good everything looked normal, Amber was practicing magic, and Heather was WAIT WHAT?! Right before me eyes I saw Heather and... Blake kissing! What the heck is going on?! No no no! How could I lose to Blake put of all people?! "W-what are you g-guys doing...?!" I stuttered. Blake and Heather stopped kissing with Heather placing her head on his shoulder. "Uh kissing...? Nothing new we've been together for a while now, are you still jealous bro!" Blake laughed. I narrowed my eyes at Blake furiously. "You have got to be kidding me! Heather you seriously like this guy after what we have been through?! You should be with me!" I growled. Blake's eyes turned into a dark orange and made his hands into a fist, oh god. "Are you trying to steal her from me?" Blake questioned. "Babe it's fine, he is just jealous of how handsome, intelligent, cute, smart, and did I say how cute you are?" Heather blushed. ARE YOU SERIOUS?! This is the worst day ever... what if this could happen after I pass the test if I even can...wait I need to just ignore, doge it like a dart. "Fine I never cared anyway..." I mumbled walking away. Amber looked at me with some blush in her face. Ohhhh no don't tell me that she likes me... "hey cutie!" Amber called skipping over to me. You've got to be kidding me, I am not into Amber at all! And I know that she doesn't like me well not including this stupid test. "Uh hey?" I answered. Amber suddenly put her arms around my neck and licked her lips. "You look nice today! Wanna see me turn into a bird?!" She asked excitedly. I nodded my head and before my eyes she turned into a blue jay, I guess in this dream she was better at her magic. She turned back into her human self with a bright smile. "It's beautiful outside today!" Amber added. "Don't you think it's disgusting that they are together...!She whispered into my hear. FINALLY SOMEONE GETS LIFE! She actually gets how wrong it's is for Heather and Blake being together. "I know Heather and Blake are disgusting together I just hate it...!" I whispered back. Amber looked at me with a confused look and crossed her arms. "I was talking about those two squirrels! I think it's good that Heather and Blake are together! Why would you think I could say that hmph I'm going back to hunting!" Amber snapped running off. Great I messed up bad... real bad... I don't think I have ever been so embarrassed... I just might throw up! Ugh I just life... Welp this sucks but to pass the test I guess I just have to deal with it and be like a dart... WELL THIS ISNT EASY ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT IS HEATHER! Wait... I being stupid, I should've thinking about the real Heather...! The one who cares about me, the one that I need to pass the test for, not this random Heather! This isn't real and I know it, and when I do pass this test I will see the real Heather again. But then everything froze and I know what I did... I passed the test.

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