Chapter 19~ WereWolf Friend

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In the morning...

It was finally morning with SnowDevil by my side still a small harmless UN-HUMAN pup. I slowly got out of my tent making sure not to wake up her as I Called out to Blake and Oliver. "GUYS SHE ISNT A WEREWOLF!" Right then I heard noises coming from my tent, maybe I woke up SnowDevil and scared her. Then out of nowhere a girl that looked around 13-15 with hair as white as snow and with one eye red as blood and one eye blue as the morning sky. "BLAKEEEE!!!! THERE IS A WEREWOLF IN MY TENT AND ITS NOT NORMAL!" I screamed. The girl came out with a knife in her hand protecting herself. "I-I am not a-afraid to use t-this!" She stuttered. Blake and Oliver came out with weapons as Blake demanded. "Put your weapon down before someone gets hurt." The werewolf narrowed her eyes at Blake with a confused look. "W-Wait Blake is that you?!" The girl said as she took a step closer to Blake, Blake dropped his weapons as the werewolf dropped her knife and they ran to each other as they hugged. Well now it's time for a new ship! Wait what about my ship for Heather and Blake... Meh I can have more than one! =P me and Oliver looked at the hug in awe until what felt about two whole minutes they let go. (SHIPPP!!!) "TOLD YA SHE WAS A WEREWOLF!!!" Oliver exclaimed. "HMPH and you said she was like 9 years old she's 15!" Blake shot back. "So I can see you two have a history... Would you mind telling it?" I asked. "Oh well my name is Violet... Me and Blake met a few years ago where I was getting hurt by some kids my age and I was always a scardy cat so... But thankfully I was saved by little old Blake here!" Violet explained blushing a little. "It's so nice to see you again Violet! Why aren't you with you mother or father? Or at least your older sister or younger brother?" Blake pointed out. Violet went quiet as tears formed in her eyes but she quickly wiped them away. "T-there dead well everyone but my older sister Lucie but she disappeared two years ago..." Violet stated with a small sniff. Violets tail flopped down sadly as her ears loosened on her head. "I'm so sorry Violet... Can we talk in private...?" Blake asked. Violet nodded as her and Blake left into a tent. But I swear on the way their hands were touching! SHIPPP!!! "Looks like I won't worry about Blake being in the way of me and heather anymore!" Oliver cheered. "What do you mean? This doesn't change anything." I protested. "Ha Blake is droling over Violet trust me, I bet he doesn't even want to get Heather anymore and maybe not want to each you any more magic." Oliver laughed. I narrowed my eyes at Oliver angry, what does he mean he doesn't want to get Heather anymore she's our friend! And a part of our team that I think Violet is a part of now... Wait if Violet likes Blake and possibly normal Heather likes Blake wouldn't once Heather gets back to normal hate Violet since she's sort of stealing Blake? Or does Heather not even like Blake and go for Oliver? OR MAYBE she will just stay with Michael with would fricken suck pineapples... But the last thing that could happen is Heather just be a Lone Ranger... Hm who knows in this cruel but weird world... NARRATOR WHY DID YOU ADD VIOLET TO THE STORY?! YOU JUST MADE ONE MORE PROBLEM! Don't talk to me like that HMPH... But what did I say about talking to me when I'm writing the story!? Do you think I actually listen? Ugh whatever back to the story... "Oliver don't think like that! We will get Heather together as a team WITH Blake and possibly Violet coming along and maybe it's good to have some extra help... Just maybe not the drama.." I muttered. Oliver laughed as he took some of the rabbit he cooked before and ate it, looking at the rabbit made my stomach ack now that I noticed I haven't eaten in two days. "Oh sorry you must be hungry..." Oliver apologized. "It's fine I'm not a big fan on rabbit I'll go hunt." I said picking up a bow with some arrows. Oliver nodded as he bit into the rabbit. I left into the woods looking for some pray, I saw a rabbit but again not a fan but then after a while I saw a jack pot... It was a huge moose! Mmmm this is gonna be good. I pulled out a arrow quietly as I put it onto my bow and pulled back on it I studied my aim to the moose and swiftly let go as the arrow flung throw the air into the side of the moose. The moose was in shock at first and then the pain accorded to him or her it tried to run but it turned into hard limps, I was thankfully fast enough to get another arrow put it onto my bow again and shoot it into the moose side once again. this time the moose was out of energy and I won the battle but sadly there were no clapping... =( the dying moose fell to the ground in agony as blood came out slowly dripping to the ground. I ran up to it feeling a little guilty, were real hunters ever guilty when they hunted? As the moose lost breath and faded away I gripped my hands onto the horns and tried to pull it back to camp but damn this thing was heavy! This time I had a idea I flapped my wings in the direction where it could give me some force for the moose to be lighter and it surprisingly worked. After of what felt like forever of me taking about ten breaks I got to camp noticing the sun was already setting. "Guys a little help!" I called. Then Oliver, Blake and Violet came as they saw the moose. "Wow that's one moose you've got." Violet said. "Yeah a big one." Blake added. "And a dead one thats making me quite hungry!" Oliver finished. Finally the three and I got the moose closer to the fire as we set it down. "Look guys I'll get the moose all ready to eat tomorrow and Oliver you'll sleep across from Amber tonight while Violet here sleeps in my tent." Blake instructed. Oliver rolled his eyes at blake but decided not to argue so me and him settled to my tent without a word as we went to sleep.

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