Chapter 2

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Annie's POV//
Ugh I have no idea where where room D204 is. I see Brennan by the water fountain so I stop and ask him where it is. He said he had class in d204 next too so he walked me there. As I went to take a seat Brennan sits beside me. I've secretly kinda have a crush on Brennan. I mean who doesn't. He's Humorous,kind,loving,and handsome. So when he sat beside me I was kinda excited. And the best thing is where you sit on the first day is where you sit for the rest of the year. I glance at Brennan, but then I start to day dream like my normal stupid self does. And when the teacher walks in I immediately snap out of because science is my favorite subject. I always get straight A's in science.
LUNCH 11:45 am
Katie's POV//
The whole squad goes to a specific table at lunch. I was eating and talking to my friends as Christina sits down beside Brennan. He is surrounded by both of his crushes.😂😂 (bc Annie is on the other side of Brennan) I'm trying not to laugh because this is just too funny.
Annie's POV//
This tall girl comes and sits beside Brennan. I have no idea who she is.
"Hey, Christina!" Brennan said.
"Brennan I need to talk to you." Christina said.
Brennan nods his head and gets up and talks to Christina by the door.
I wonder what they're talking about.
As I'm watching they're conversation I see Brennan blush and smile like an idiot. Gosh he's so cute. But I think he likes this "Christina" chick so I'll back off.
They come back holding hands. I feel like grabbing Brennan's hand and putting it in mine, but I'm not gonna do that. Brennan comes back saying "were dating!" I feel like crying an ocean right now. I'm getting really bored so I decide to post on Instagram. I take a selfie with the dog filter on snapchat. I know that Brennan's post notifications are on for my account so hopefully he will like it. I put the caption as "ughhh school🙄🙄 kms" and post it. I see Brennan's phone light up with the notification. It's only been posted for 1 minute and it's already got 2,000 likes. Can Christina beat that?? No.
END OF THE DAY 2:45 pm
Calebs POV//
I see Sydney walking down the hall. She comes up to me and hugged me (were dating)
Caleb: Hey sweetheart.
Sydney: Hey *she gives him a kiss*
Caleb: I'm sad that we don't have any classes together.
Sydney: Yeah but we can see each other at lunch and on the bus on the way home.
Caleb: yeah let's go get on the bus.
Christina's POV//
I feel like Annie likes Brennan and is getting jealous. I can just tell. Annie and Caleb are the first people to get off the bus. Im sitting beside Brennan. His phone rings and it says it's "CRUSH❤️❤️️😊" he immediately hides the phone from me. I didn't call him. Who else could be his crush?

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