Sample Chapter

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"Ken can we go please? I'm not feeling this party." I begged my boyfriend for the fiftieth time.

"Just give me like ten more minutes Emerald, damn. I can't just leave a party when my name was on the invitation."

"Well I told you I didn't want to come!"

"Wait outside then! Do anything besides bug the hell outta me." He said before walking away.

I made my way out into the crisp November air and thought about what to do next. I wrapped my arms tightly around my body as a wind blew past. A body con dress wasn't exactly Autumn attire.

"What you doing out here Em?" A question brought me outta my thoughts.

I looked to my right to see my friend Gemmy walking toward me. I looked at him with a smile. Gemmy had been a fixture in my life since the beginning of college. He listened to me vent. He was there when I lost my father during my freshman year of college and was there during my senior year when my mom all but disowned me. Gemmy has simply been there for me. He's been my rock and I love him.

"A back alley is not the place for you to be at this time of night." He chastised. "And its way too cold out here for that freak mama dress you got on." He joked.

"Well I'm ready to go and Kenneth won't leave." I sighed. Another wind blew by and I shivered.

"Come 'ere," he said opening his arms.

I hurriedly fell into his embrace. Gemmy was a big guy with a beard. He's six feet four inches, tipping the scale at at least 300 pounds. You wouldn't notice his weight if you looked at him though because he was very well put together. He's an overall big dude.

That made his hugs so amazing. When I hug him I feel warmth and protection.

"Want me to take you home?"

"Ken has my keys and I don't like being at home by myself." I admitted.

"Well, come sit in the car with me until he's ready."

He grabbed my hand and led me toward his all black Tahoe and opened the back door on the passenger side for me. He went around to the driver's side, turned on the heater, and joined me in the back.

"Feel a little better?" He asked as the car began to heat up.

I nodded. "My feet were killing me."

"You can take your shoes off as long as yo feet don't stank up my whip."

"Gemmy I know you ain't talking." I said, giving him the side eye.

All he could do was laugh. Gemmy grabbed my feet and placed them in his lap.

"Don't tickle me Gem." I warned, beginning to fidget. Gemmy stayed tickling me .

"Calm down, Em. I got you." He assured me as he began to massage my feet.

I relaxed. This was the first time I ever got a foot massage outside of the lady at the nail shop.

"Where'd your name come from? I've never asked you." I asked Gemmy. His full name was Gemini.

"Man I don't even know bruh. My momma had to be on something. A nigga's birthday is in December and I ain't no twin. I think she just liked the sound of the name." He shook his head.

"Your name is unique. I like it." I said with a yawn.

"You tired? Come 'ere." He said motioning for me to move toward him.

I scooted toward him and he picked me up easily. I was about five feet two inches and weighed about 180, but like Gemmy, you wouldn't know by looking at me. He handled me with care and cradled me in his arms like I was a little baby. In no time I was sleep.


"Emmy...em..." I felt Gem taping my thigh.

"Huh" I answered groggily, remembering that I was still cuddled up with Gemmy.

"Ken is calling you."

That woke me right up. I scrambled to find my phone. I wouldn't hear the end of it if I missed his call.

"Hello...outside with Gemmy...are you serious just left me're so fucking dumb." I said, hanging up in his face before he could finish his lies.

"Wanna have a sleepover?" Gemmy asked me with a smirk.

I nodded softly.

"Don't worry about that nigga. He ain't worth it. And quit all that frowning. You gone have wrinkles on that on that pretty ass face." He said in an effort to make me smile.

He was successful.


"You can take the bed and I can sleep on the couch. Don't argue with me about it because that ain't changing no matter how much you pout." Gemmy said, showing me his room.

I had been to Gemini's house before and I loved sleeping in his bed. Because he was a big guy he needed a huge bed.

I sat my purse down on the nightstand and took a seat on the bed.

"Here's a t-shirt that you can sleep in. Your towels and toothbrush are in the cabinet in the bathroom. I'll be in the front if you need anything."

"Thanks Gemmy. I appreciate this."

"Don't worry about it. I got you. Always." He said with a smile.

After I freshened up, I came back in the room and saw a sandwich with chips and a soda on the nightstand.

"Awww," I cooed softly. Gemmy was so sweet.

I chowed down on my meal as I scrolled through both Instagram and snapchat. Once I finished I laid down in Gemmy's bed. His sheets smelled amazing as always.

I tried to get comfortable but it just wasn't happening. Something was missing.

I got out of the bed and made my way to the living room.

"Wassup lil mama?" Gemmy asked when he noticed me. He sounded tired.

I didn't answer him. Instead I walked over to the couch and stood in front of him.

"Can't sleep?"

I shook my head. He stood up and picked me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. I laid my head on his shoulder and played with his beard. I felt his hands on my bare thighs but I didn't care.

Gemmy walked us to the bedroom and placed me on the bed before getting in himself. He laid down and then pulled me on top of him before pulling the covers on top of us.

I could feel him rubbing the backs of my thighs. Being cuddled up with Gemmy felt right. He was so gentle with me.

"Gemmy." I said softly.


"Does this feel right to you?"

"It feels right but it ain't right because you have a man. I want it to be right though. You deserve to be cared for and that nigga ain't doing it. I've always had your back Emerald. Ain't nothing gon change that but I just want you as a whole. You should be right here every night."



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