First day.

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I hear banging on my door
"What do you want?!" I scream.
"Mom said it's time to get up!" I hear my brother say from outside the door.

I look at my alarm clock and it's 6 AM.
"Why the hell are they waking me up at 6... oh wait it's the first day of school" I remember.
I get up and head to the bathroom...
I fell to the floor, my blanket was tied up to my foot and what do ya know?
"Well this is gonna be a greeeat day" I say to myself sarcastically.
I get back up and finish my way to the bathroom.
As soon as i step inside...
"Maya!" I hear my mom yell from downstairs.
"What?" I reply.
"I heard a thud, are you okay?"
"Yeah just one of my books fell" I reply laughing quietly.
I close the door to the bathroom and get out my toothbrush and toothpaste, I brush my teeth while looking at my skin in the mirror, it's not all the way clear but it's way clearer than my Freshman year.
I finish brushing my teeth and get out my makeup.
I usually wear concealer, eyeliner and mascara.
But since it's the first day of school, I might as well wear more.
I put on my pale foundation, concealer, and powder.
I then get out my bronzer and highlight and finish off my face makeup with that.
After that i finish off my makeup with eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara.
My eyebrows are already dark enough so I don't fill them in.
I curl my dark brown hair and put the 1/4 of the top into a bun and call it good.
I go back into my room and put on the clothes I picked out the night before, a black shirt, dark blue jeans, black converse, and then i tied a flannel button up shirt around my waist.
I check my notifications and take a selfie on snapchat using the dog filter.
"I'm such a hoe" I say to myself joking, i start laughing at my own joke but then realize i'm not funny.
I go downstairs and i take a waffle out of the freezer and put it in the toaster.
While it's cooking  I get my backpack together.
I walk back by the toaster and It pops up and scares the crap out of me.
"Thanks." I say to the waffle.
"i walk outside and eat the waffle on my way to school.

Once I get to school I see my bestfriend, Jenna.
She is probably the most perfect human being on this planet, she has been my bestfriend for about 8-9 years.
I give her the hugest hug and walk inside.
While i'm walking I start to realize how much I didn't miss school and I should've just changed to homeschool.
I laugh to myself.

"Maya Valdez come to the office please, Maya Valdez come to the office please."
"Crap" I say to myself.
I walk into the office.
"You must be Maya" One of the office ladies says to me.
"Yes.." I reply.
"So we have this new student named Justin and we would like to know if you would show him around the school for the first week?"
"O-oh sure"
"Okay he will be in here soon"
I go and sit down.
After a few minutes I hear the door open.
This boy walks in...
"Oh damnnnn." I say in my head.
He's about 5'8, bright green eyes, sort of long black hair.
The office lady points to me and the boy turns around and smiles at me.
He walks over to me and says ..
"Hi, I am Justin."

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