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"H-H Sorry, Hello I am Maya" I stuttered.
Justin laughed a little.
"That's a really pretty name," Justin said.
I couldn't help but blush.
"Thank you" I replied.
"So, you're showing me around the school?"
"Yay, my last school sucked, but starting off the school year by being showed around by a beautiful girl like you might make this school year less sucky," he said to me smiling.
He's flirting!! i kept thinking to myself.
"Haha thank you" I said while blushing, "so can I see your schedule?"
He nodded and then handed me his schedule.
"Oh look at that, we have all classes together, that will make it easier" I laughed.
Justin laughed along.

The bell rung, we started walking to the first period, math.
"So where'd you come from?" I asked.
"Oh I came from my mom and dad" He said jokingly.
We laughed.
"Haha i meant like where did you live before?"
"Ohhh, I lived in California"
"Did you like it there?"
"No, too many thugs ya know?"
I laughed.

We got to class and I gave the teacher a note for being tarty.
"You can go ahead and sit next to Maya, Justin." Mr. Pollock said.
Mr. Pollock was our math teacher, he was pretty chill actually.
The rest of the class I helped Justin with math notes.
We went to the rest of the classes and I helped him with those too.

At lunch Justin followed me and we met up with Jenna.
"Hey Jenna, this is Justin, he is new to the school so i'm showing him around." I said.
"Ooh aren't you quite the looker?" Jenna said to Justin and winked.
"Uh..Yeah thanks" Justin laughed awkwardly.
Jenna flirts a lot so it didn't really surprise me how she flirted with a lot of guys.
Well she has a thing with this one guy named Nick Camryn, they have had a thing for like ever now and they are on and off, honestly they're the cutest couple ever when they're together it just gets annoying when they're on and off.
"Oh hey, by the way Nick and I are back together" Jenna said to me while we were walking outside.
"Again? You guys need to slow down" I Replied.
We walked outside and sat down in the grass.
Nick and Jenna were cuddling and holding hands the whole time.
Justin and I were sitting there in silence watching them being lovey dubby.
"Hey, can I ask you a question?" Justin broke the silence.
"Yes," I replied.
"Can i have your phone number?" Justin asked smiling.
"Of course," I replied blushing.
I gave him my phone number and showed him around the rest of the day.
And all throughout the day I started liking him more and more.
When he smiled at me it gave me butterflies, but I would never have a shot with him, plus he has been looking at this girl a lot in our math class through out the whole day, her name is Jess, her and I haven't been on good terms since the 7th grade.

I walked home and listened to TØP on the way.
When I got home i saw a text pop up.

"Hey it's Justin!"
I added the contact in my phone and named it "Justin😍"
"Heyyy" I replied to the text.
"Do you want to hangout at 4:00?"
"Oh, sure where?"
"The park by the gas station?"
"Okay, meet you there at 4:)"

I touched up my makeup and left at four.
I walked to the park and met him there.
"You're just as beautiful as I remember" Justin said as he walked up to me.
"You're so sweet," I replied.

We walked over to the slides and sat under them.
"So, have you seen any girls you like?" I asked.
"Only one, but i would never have a chance."
"Yes you would, just look at you, you're really attractive and you have a really kind heart."
"You think so?"
"I'm positive"
It grew silent and we just sat there looking at each other, we began moving closer and closer.
Our lips were inches from touching......

Addicted to You | Justin Drew Blake Where stories live. Discover now