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*Mayas POV*
I hear my alarm go off at 6:00 A.M.
But, i have been up since 4:00.
I couldn't sleep and most of the time i was worrying about Justin and if he really liked me.
I liked him so much and i barely even know him, his personality is the best and he makes me so happy words can't explain.
He calls me beautiful and he says nice things, but what if he's a player?
I stop worrying  and get up, I get dressed and do my makeup.
I am showing Justin around again, i am so happy i get to spend the school day with him.
"Hey sweetie, why'd you run upstairs last night and not finish your dinner?" My mom asks as soon as I get downstairs.
"Oh umm. My stomach got a little upset so i went upstairs and went to be." I reply.
"Oh okay love you, have a good day at school,"
"I love you too!" I yell as I walk out the door.
I walk to school like usual and once I get there I meet up with Nick and Jenna.
"Hey guys," I say as I walk up to them.
"Oh heyyy" Jenna replies.
"Oh, hey Maya," Nick says, Nick and I aren't the best of friends because i have really usually disliked him because of how many times he broke my best friends heart but eh he's okay.
We stand there for a while and all of a sudden I hear footsteps behind me get closer..
I jump and look behind me, its justin.
"Haha you scared me," I say.
He opens up for a hug, I hug him and it lasts for a 30 seconds.
"Oooo you guys would be a cute couple," Jenna says smiling.
Justin and I blush and look at the ground.
"So this weather is nice isn't it?" I say trying to change the subject.
They laugh.
"Whatever haha" Jenna says.
The bell rings so we walk inside, We each go to our lockers and justin and I plan on meeting before math starts.
I get my stuff and start heading towards Justin's locker..

I start getting my stuff out of my locker.
"Oh hey justin" I hear a voice say I look behind me and see that it is Jess...
"Hi Jess.." I say awkwardly.
"You're looking cute today" she says while playing with the strings on my jacket.
"Thanks?" I reply.
She starts holding my hand randomly and i try pulling away but her grips get tighter.
"Oh you're busy, I'll see you in math." I hear a voice say, I look and it's Maya..
"No Maya wait!" I yell.
She walks away.

I start walking up to Justin and then I see him and Jess holding hands..
I can feel my heart break inside.
"Oh you're busy, I'll see you in math." I say.
Justin looks at me and yells for me to wait but i keep on walking.
"I knew he liked Jess, I knew it, I knew it, he's probably just a player and ugh" I say to myself.
I feel like crying but I keep the tears in.
I get to math class and Justin is already in there.
I go and sit by him but scoot my chair further away.
"Hey maya listen," He says to me.
"No need to explain, she's the girl you said you liked, you guys would be cute," I say even though it was hard for me to say it.
"I already said it's okay," I cut him off.
The rest of class we sit there i awkwardness and tension.
I really want to talk to him but i am hurt.
I then come up with an idea..
There is this guy in our next period which is science, and his name is Jack, I could flirt with him and see if it affects Justin, Ugh i am a horrible person but I don't know I feel like I have to.
We go to our next period and Justin and I sit down.
I see Jack walk into the classroom, I get up and walk over to him.
"Oh hey" I say to him.
"Oh hey Maya!" He replies.
I see Justin look over at us.
I get closer to Jack.
"So how are you?" I say grabbing his tightening  ropes on his sweatshirt.
"Oh i'm good,"
The bell rings and I see Justin look away,
I go and sit over there and I see him,
I look over at him and he looks upset.
"Hey justin.." I say to him.
He ignores me.

The rest of the day goes by slow and me and Justin don't talk at all.

I get home and i get a text, it's from Justin.
"Why did you do that?"
"You kiss me and act like you like me and then you start flirting with another guy, I should've trusted Jess when she told me you were a player."
"Flirting?! it was too make you jealous because you hurt me when you flirted with Jess, and what?! Jess told you that?!"
"Jess what the ONE flirting with me, and yes last night when she called me she told me you guys were enemies, and that you had a new boyfriend every week."
"Oh, well if you believe her now then why don't you just leave me alone because apparently i do get a new boyfriend every week and you believe it."
"Ugh Maya I really really like you and I have ever since I saw you,"
"I really like you too Justin but.."

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