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*Justins POV*
I pull away fast and I see her open her eyes.
"Maya!" I yell.
"Justin." she says smiling.
"I'm so glad you're okay" I say starting to cry tears of joy.
"W-What happened?" She stuttered.
"Yo-" I was cut off by a doctor walking in the room.
"Maya! You're awake!" The doctor says.
"Yeah" she says weary, "just a little tired, what happened?"
"You and your mom got in a bad car accident, and you were in a coma for a few days, what all do you remember?"
"All I remember is being late to school.. and my mom!! where's my mom!!" Maya exclaims.
The door opens and her mom walks in, she's crying.
"Maya im so glad you're okay" Her mom exclaims.

"Maya i'm so glad you're okay" my mom says as she walks in.
"Mom!" I exclaim, we hug for a good two minutes.
I see Justin looking at us, he was by the door.
"Babe..." I say.
He comes over and hugs me.
"I missed you." he whispered.
"I missed you too" I reply.
"I got you your favorite flowers," Justin says.
I look over to the table and see a dozen lilacs.
"Omg I love you so much Justin!!"
I kiss him and then our kiss deepens.
"Well..." My mom and the doctor sat at the same time.
"Oh sorry.." I say blushing.
"Okay maya, you are pretty much good condition but we still have to check a few things, you should be out by tomorrow." The doctor says to me.
"Okay, wait what day is it?" I ask.
"Haha it's Friday." he says.

During the night they drew blood and gave me tests and I soon fell asleep.
When I woke up in the morning and I see Justin sleeping in the chair.
I smile from the thought that he would care enough to stay overnight.
I look at the time and it's 12 PM, I get to go home soon yay.
I grab my phone and make a noise from hitting it on the bed accedentily.
The noise wakes Justin up, "Oh good morning beautiful," He says, oh not to mention his really sexy morning voice.
"Good morning Handsome"
"You get to go home soon!" He exclaims.
"Yep," I smile.

Later that day I went home at around 3 PM, it felt so good to be home.
My phone goes off and I smile as I see who it's from,
Justin: Hey babe I just got to taco bell what do you want?
Me: Baby you don't have to get me anything.
Justin: I want to , you deserve it, so what do you want gorgeous?
Me: Can i have one of the mountain dew ices, and the nacho supreme please;)
Justin: Of course, see you soon:).

About 10 minutes later I hear a knock at my door and I go and open it and it's Justin with my taco bell.
I kiss him on the cheek and we head up to my room.
I eat my food and then we start talking about ourselves.
It gets silent and now we're looking into eachothers eyes.
He kisses me, and the kiss deepens, he pushes me down on the bed and we're still kissing.
He made me so happy.
He pulls away.
I frown.
"I have to tell you something..."

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