Phone Call

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...And then he kissed me.
I couldn't help but kiss back.
Justin and I both jump.
"My mom's calling" I say while rolling my eyes.
I walk over to the nearby tree to talk to my mom.

She is so beautiful...
I like her a lot, kissing her felt so right and i didn't want it to end, If only she knew how much I liked her.
"Hey I have to go but I will see you at school tomorrow," Maya says walking over to me.
"Awe okay," I reply.
She gives me a big hug and then leaves.
I walk home and all I could think about was Maya.
All of a sudden my phone goes off and I look at it to see that it is Jess.
"Hey Justin it is Jess ;)"
Jess and i exchanged phone numbers earlier today, I thought she was pretty cute but now I know that I might have a chance with Maya so I am not interested.
I turn off my phone and ignore the text.

I get home and run upstairs.
I go into my room and close my door right away, i slide down my wall and sit on the floor.
I can't help but smile.
That is all that was on my mind.
I can't believe we kissed, I didn't think it would happen but i am so so so so glad it did.

"Maya!" I hear my mom call from downstairs.
I get up and walk downstairs.
"Yes mom?" I say as i get downstairs.
"Dinner is ready," She replies.
I get my food ready and sit at the counter.
I hear my phone go off as soon as i sit down..
"It's from Justin!" I scream.
"Crap, sorry guys meant to say that in my head.." I say right after.
Justin: "Hey!"
Me: "Heyyy"
"How are you?"
"I am super great actually, how about you?"
"Same. Now that I met you, can you talk on the phone"
I blush.
"Yes, call me"
A few seconds later I hear my phone ring..
"Hi" I say as soon as I answer.
"Hey beautiful"
I start to smile, I feel like I can hear him smiling too.
"What are you doing?" I ask.
"Oh just laying here talking to you, what about you?" He replies.
"Nothing much, supposed to be eating but i want to talk to you instead"
"Awe you're cute."
"Hey I have to go, Jess is calling but i'll text you in the morning, goodnight gorgeous."
"Oh okay g-g-goodnight," I stutter.
I hear the beep of him hanging up.
"Him and Jess have eachother's phone numbers?! I knew I didn't have a chance I knew it. I knew it. I knew it." I whisper to myself.
I finish my food and run upstairs.

I answer Jess' call.
"Why the hell would you call me? You ruined my talk with a beautiful girl!"
"What who?! And I didn't tell you to answer,"
"Her name is Maya,"
"WHAT EW!" Jess yells.
"What's wrong with her? She is amazing,"
"She spreads so many rumors, and she's a player and she will play you trust me, she can't stay with a guy longer than a week lmao."
I hang up.
Could she really be a player?
I laid down in my bed.
All i could think about was if i should be worried about her being a player but then I kept telling myself not to freak out.
I finally drift to sleep.

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