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I wake up late at 6:40 A.M. so my mom decides she will drive me to school.
I get ready, I put on black skinny ripped jeans and a nirvana shirt and then slip on my black converses.
I do my makeup and put my hair into a ponytail and pull a few pieces of hair out in the front.
I go downstairs and eat in the car, I feel my phone vibrate so I check and I see that it is Justin.
"Hey babe where are you?"
"Woke up late, Ill be there soon."
My mom gets in the car and I look at social media while she drives.
The car jerks so I look up and all I see are bright lights and then everything goes black.

*Justins POV*
I go into math still wondering where Maya is.
Mr. Pollock calls roll.
"Maya valdez?" He asks.
"Oh she should be here soon!" I yell.
The rest of the class she doesn't show up.
While we're writing down notes Mr. Pollock starts getting a phone call so he answers.
"Oh- O-Okay, thank you for calling, i'll tell them. Okay have a good day I hope she's okay."
He gets off the phone.
"Sorry guys, I have some bad news.."
We all sit and wait for him to tell us.
"Maya has gotten into a car accident and now she's in a coma..."
I cant believe my ears.
"WHAT?!" I scream.
I grab my stuff and run outside of the classroom to my locker and put in my combination and put my stuff in there.
I go out of the school and get into my car.
I feel a tear drop down my face as i'm driving to the hospital.
I start remembering her cute laugh, her cute smile, her cute everything, she was perfect and she was all I had.
I couldn't lose her.

I get to the hospital and run inside.
I ask where she is and they tell me the room number, i go to the room and I look in through the door, I see her connected to a bunch of tubes.
"She still looks as beautiful as ever" I say to myself.
I try opening the door but it's locked.
I go out to the front again and ask them if i can go in, they say no and I go and sit down.
I'm so upset, I don't know what to do, I have nobody to talk to about it with, i miss her.
"Hey, I'm maya's mom" A lady next to me says.
"Oh, H-Hi im justin." I reply.
"Oh so you're the lucky Justin my daughter talks about?"
"Haha she talks about me?"
"Yes, all the time"
I noticed her arm was in a sling.
"What happened to your arm?" I ask her.
"Wait if you don't mind me asking," I quickly add.
"Oh.. in the car crash I got a piece of glass in my arm."
"Oh i'm so so so sorry... do you know how Maya is doing?"
"She's still in a coma and I'm praying that she will wake up, that's all we can do for right now."
I then remember her telling me her favorite flower, Lilacs.
"Hey i have to run to the store I will be right back,"
I go outside and drive to the store.
I get a dozen lilacs and they finally let me go see her in the room, I give her the flowers and then the machine started beeping....

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