Forever February

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It's been a month since I got here. Everything is good. Carl and I are getting closer. I like him a lot. We do everything together. Everything was good until yesterday morning....

    Carl and I were out hunting when these Walkers came. At first it was just a couple, then it a whole herd came... if thats what a hundred of them are called. We were surrounded from all sides. We were going back to back. They kept coming closer and closer. When all hope was lossed. I ran and told Carl to follow me and we climbed trees. We were like monkeys. One tree to another we were swinging from one to another until we reached the edge of the forest. Then we ran to the prison gates and climbed through a hole in them. 

When we got to were everyone was they were standing outside of the cell block. "Rick we need to tell you something." I say. "Not now Mays" Hershel said. "But it's important there are a whole bunch of-" "I said not now child. Lori is in labor." I'm standing in silence. Carl sat down on the ground. I sit with him and hold his hand. "How long has she been in there?" Carl asks. "About an hour." 

From what seemed forever Beth came out and said it's a girl. We all smile and Carol and I hug.  I looked at Beth and saw how sad she looks. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Lori didn't make it." Then she starts to cry. I look at Carl. Carl stands up and runs. "Carol wait!" I run after him. By the time he stops we are all the past the first gates. "Carl.... I am Sorry...."  Carl sits and starts to cry. I sit down with him and hug him and he cries in my shoulder. When he stops crying we hold hands and walk back to the others. Rick had already dug a hole in the ground and Glenn made a cross. 

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