Love in February

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The next day Carl and Rick were talking alone. When they were finished talking they came up to us and told us they named the girl Judith. Daryl like well I am going to call her Little Ass Kicker. We all laughed at that. When we were done Carl and I walked to my cell block. We are getting a little more serious. Still haven't had our first kiss yet though. Anyways on to the present. We get to my cell block and lay down on my bed. "Do you like me?" Carl asks. I look up to him and say "Yes I do like you." He leans down and kisses me on the lips. Then we both fell asleep. I am awake and I hear Judith crying. I get up and walk upstairs with my bow and my knife. Then I see Daryl beside me. As we creep up the stairs we hear something being dragged. I draw my bow back and see that is a walker had somehow gotten in the prison doors. "HEY!" I yell. It turns to me and walks after me. That's when i let my arrow fly. Daryl looks at me "Not bad kid." "I'm not a kid I am 16." We go and wake up the others and tell them that a walker had gotten in. "That's not possible!" Glen says. "Then say that to him!" I yell back pointing at the dead Walker. "Alright we will have night watches." Rick says. He asigned Daryl and I together. on Tonights watch. The rest of the night we didn't see a single walker. It's morning now and Carl and I are walking holding hands as usual. When Carol stops all of a sudden. "Whats wrong?" "What's that noise?" We look to the south to find a whole bunch of Walkers coming at our gates. Carol and I sprint and run to the Prison.  "Rick, Daryl, Hershel!" "What's wrong child" Hershel says? "There are hundreds of Walkers at our gates!" Carl says out of breath.

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