May 21 The anniversary

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Today is my Mom and Dad's anniversary. While I was at the store I grabbed some shampaign and twinkies and saved it for Mom and Dad to share. I am excited. Today is Carl and I's anniversary. The first day of us officially dating. It's been a total of five months. If I was 20 I would marry him but I am only 17. A few more years. I walk over to Carl and say "Happy aniversaury." He looks up and kisses me. " I got you something." He says. "You didn't have to." "I know but I wanted to." He pulls out a box. The kind of box that rings come from. He pulls it open and there is this most beautiful ring I have and will ever see. It was studded with diamonds all the way around and on top was the most biggest diamond. It glitterd in the sun light. "Mays, Will you marry me." "Carl... where did you get this?" "It was my moms she said if I find the right person in my life here I can give this to them. So will you." "I- Carl Yes I will marry you." He gets up and kisses me for the longest time. "HELP!!!" My mom yells. I run in the direction that the scream came from. My mom was surrounded by Walkers. She stabbed so many in the head, but more kept coming. I rush in and help her stabbing and stomping on there heads. But then one comes up behind me and I feel this pain on my shoulder. I turn around and stab the Walker on the head. When it was all over I fall into Carl's arms. "Is my mom ok?" "Yes she is fine. Mays don't leave me. We have to get married." "We will Carl before I go and join my sisters. Take me to my family and the others so we can tell them the good news."

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