Chapter 7: baby ride, ride, ride.

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Three hours later and the guys and I plus a few extras were completely wasted. Tonight has been wild, everyone kissed each other at least once and there was no way out. Now, we all are playing strip poker while in our undergarments.

"DANNY STOP STARING AT THE POOR GIRLS CHEST! ARE YOU CHEATING??" Ben said playing slurring. My face flushed red as I crossed my arms trying to remain covered.

"Dick!" I shouted jokingly.

"Not my fault you're hot." Danny said smugly.

I looked at James and seen how annoyed he was getting. Silly boy.

I seen my phone light up and I had a text.

Ben: you ate pretttttty fit thiugh. ;)z he typed drunkinly.

I smile and returned my attention back to the game.

*3 months later.*

The fact that I got the chance to photograph on this tour was fucking spectacular. The friendship iI've built with everyone in Asking and several other bands is the strongest relationships I've had with anyone lately. This whole tour I took over 20,000 photos and more than 80% turned out good which is the best outcome that iI've ever received throughout my photography career. Unfortunately, today is the last day of your and it upsetting me. Before I met Cameron, Ben, Danny, Sam and James I ha barely any friends. Yes, I photograph an tour but iI've only connected like the way i'm connected to them, with them. They're my best friends. Danny and I are like siblings as well. Whenever he sees something that'll will out bad he helps guide me an protect me. granite, all the guys protect me he's the most strict. Sam and I are really close. he's there's no matter what. weather it be partying, or just needing a shoulder to cry on, Sam is always trustworthy. Cameron and I used to have some sort of connection and he still flirts with me naturally like everyone else but he's backed down and just kept being with random chicks. Ben and I have grown a lot more closer. Before he just talked to me through gritted teeth and hit on me ignorantly but now. he's kind. I started getting feeling for him but iI've pushed them aside because I know he's a one night stand type of guy. James and I, well we're good very good. He's been more trustworthy throughout tour and hasn't left my side since he promised. He's the best friend I always wanted. Sam kept saying James likes me since the way he acts and at first, I didn't believe it but now iI'm hopeful because I'm staring to fall for him. All the guys and I, we're best friends. and iI'm so thankful.

"You okay, love?" James asked sliding into my bunk with me.

"II'm fine." I lied.

"I know you're lying, Bel. Tell me." He spoke.

"I just don't want tour to end. What if I don't see you guys again? you guys are my best friends!" My voice cracked and a tear rolled down my cheek.

James pulled me in close and hugged me, "we'll all say in contact. Especially me. I promise I'm not going to leave you. I won't." I didn't respond, I just laid my head on James chest and cried over the fact iI'm going to lose my best friends.

"II'll visit you, i'll stay with you. Whatever it takes to make to happy, i'll help you." he said breaking the silence.

*few days*

It was official, your was over now. I'm in my apartment alone like every other night prior to tour. To say iI'm going to miss them doesn't even begin to describe how iI'm going to feel. My boss called and said that I don't have any major things to shoot for until two months from now so aAlls ill have Is little jobs. Only having little jobs to does not help distract me from missing them or realizing how pathetic my life actually is. I sat watching TV with a cig resting on my lips when I received a call from James.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hello, beautiful." James said slurringly causing me to blush.

"How are you, dear?" I responded.

"Pretty good. how are you, love?" he asked.

"I'm fine, what is it you're calling for?." I replied.

"I'm coming over!" I said slurring but loudly then hanging up.

Joy filled throughout my body with the thought if James coming over. I would change but he's seen me at my worse throughout tour so, i think i'll be fine.

I sat for a half hour waiting impatiently for him to arrive but yet, he hasn't. Usually, it would take only ten minutes he said. I started to worry as each minute more passed and James wasn't there.

It was then a whole hour and he wasn't there, where is he? is he okay? He isn't even answering me. Whats going on?

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