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Percy's POV:

I was just about to leave, when a woman walked into the wear house, probably attracted by the lights I'd left on.
"Hello?" She asked. "Anyone here?"
You're going to have to take care of that before we leave. He said to me.
I know. I thought back. It'll only take a couple of seconds.
"Hey," I said, stepping into the room.
The young woman looked at me, bewildered. She was rather beautiful, with hazel eyes, and light hair. It was a shame really, she seemed so young, though this didn't bother me as much as I thought it would.
"What are you doing here?" She asked.
I shrugged, walking closer to her. "Just checkin the place out." I said, moving closer still. I could now feel His energy and strength flowing through me.
The woman's eyes widened a little. "What's wrong with your eyes?" She asked, looking utterly shocked.
"Doesn't matter," I said, smiling slightly, as I took the final step up to the woman, and grabbed her throats in my hands.
She gasped and struggled, which I thought was amusing. Before I knew it, I was laughing hysterically while she still struggled in my hands, until finally, I felt her bones crush in by hands, and she stopped. I dropped her limp corpse on the cold, hard ground. Her eyes were frozen in her last look of fear and shock. The woman's eyes were wide, and I could tell that whoever found her body would be in for a very big surprise.
Smiling, I gathered my things, and, knowing that I couldn't come back to this place, I walked to the corner of the room, and, using my newfound powers, I shadow traveled to Camp Half-Blood.

Annabeth's POV:

It was finally sunset, and I was near he edge of the woods, were Percy told me to meet him. He'd said something about how the woods than would cover us better. I still feel bad about trying to trap Percy, but it's for his own good... right? I mean, if it's for the greater good, then it's the right thing to do.
But, what if this was the wrong approach? What would happen then? Would we be worse off then when we started? Would nothing change?
Suddenly, there was a hand on my shoulder. I turned, to see Percy standing there smiling.
"Percy!" I yelled, throwing my arms around his neck.
"Hey Wisegirl, you miss me?"
"Of course," I said, pulling away from him. "Were in Hades were you?!? I was worried sick Percy!"
"I'm sorry," he said slowly. "I was in an abandoned wear-house, over near my mom's apartment." He explained gently. "But, can we not talk about that yet? I just want to be with you right now."
I nodded, and we walked along the edge of the woods. I knew the head councilors from each cabin were somewhere around the spot ahead, were I was leading Percy.
"Percy," I said slowly.
"Yeah, Annabeth?"
"You know I love you... right?"
He stopped and looked at me for a minute before answering. "Of course. I love you too Wisegirl. Why? What's wrong?"
I shook my head. "I just missed you, that's all." I lied quickly.
Percy nodded and we walked a little further, right into the trap of helped set up. They'd wait, and see if I could convince him to come back on his own, then, if he tried anything, Clovis would try to knock him out, since Piper probably wouldn't work now that he didn't trust her.
I stopped, and Percy turned to me again, looking at me with concern showing on his face. "Annabeth," he said, "what's wrong? You can tell me, I won't get mad or anything."
You don't know that! I thought.
"Well," I began, choosing my words carefully. "I was just wondering..."
"Yeah?" He asked.
"Well, why can't you come back?"
He sighed deeply before answering, keeping his eyes on the ground. "It's... complicated."
"What's complicated? Why can't you come back? The others and I miss you Percy!"
He looked up at me, and said, in a very serious voice, "I just can't, you don't know what I know, even if you think you do. We can't trust them anymore." He paused a moment, the said, "Annabeth, why don't you come with me?"
I stared at him, shocked.
"We could live together," Percy continued. "I wouldn't let anything happen to you, you know that. And I trust you to watch my back! What do you think?"
He was looking at me, his sea-green eyes begging for me to say yes. "Please," he begged aloud. "I don't want to go without you."
"Percy..." I said, my voice just above a whisper. He'd gently grabbed my arm, when he was asking me, as though scared I'd run off, but his grip had been tightening.
"Ahh...." I gasped. "Percy, you're hurting my arm..."
He looked down, and quickly released my already bruised arm.
"Annabeth, I'm so sorry," he said, backing a little away from me.
"It's fine Percy," I said. "Really, it didn't even hurt tha-"
"No, it's not fine." He told me. "I shouldn't have done that."
I took a step towards him, and he back up, like a frightened animal. "Percy," I said, as gently as I could. He looked away from my arm, and into my eyes. "You're not going to hurt me, okay?"
"Annabeth, back away from him..." Calypso said from behind me.
I turned, and asked her what she was doing, and I heard Percy gasp slightly from behind me.
"This is a trap." He whispered, and I could tell he was getting angry.
"Percy..." I began.
"Did you know about this?" He asked, as the others revealed themselves.
I hesitated, then nodded. In the next second, Percy had me up against a tree, gripping my neck tightly.
The others advanced, but quickly stopped when Percy said, "Move and I'll kill her!"
He turned back to me, and I saw something else, someone else.
"Your eyes..." I gasped out.
A slight smile appeared on his lips, a cold, chilling smile that reached his dark green eyes, and I knew, this wasn't Percy.

Percy's POV:

Do it. He whispered in my mind. She betrayed you! She deserves this! She deserves worse!
I smiled, tightening my grip on her neck, seeing the fear in her eyes, and laughing slightly at it.
Annabeth started gasping for air, and struggling even more. I could tell by the way her grip on my hand loosened that she was starting to black out.
"Percy! Stop!" Said a voice behind me.
I turned my head slightly to see Calypso standing a few feet closer than she had been.
"Back up!" I commanded. She did.
"Percy, this isn't you, look at her! You love Annabeth! I know who-"
Don't listen to her! She knows nothing!
"Shut up!" I yelled. "You don't know anything!"
Kill Annabeth! She's a traitor, just like them! After you've finished killing Annabeth, kill them all!
I looked back at Annabeth, who'd stopped struggling, and was turning slightly purple. What am I doing? I thought, letting go of Annabeth, and watching as she fell to the ground, coughing.
I quickly backed away, tripping over a tree root, and falling to the ground. I was breathing heavily, as though I'd just run a marathon. I felt confused, and my head hurt. I didn't understand what was happening.
No! Percy Jackson, listen to me now!
I almost did, but then, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Looking away from Annabeth, I saw Clovis kneeling behind me.
He put his other hand on my forehead, and the next thing I knew, I was leaning backward on my elbows, fighting to keep my eyes open.
I tried to fight it, but Clovis yawned, and I repeated the action, letting my head droop, and the last thing I saw before blacking out, was Will rushing over to help Annabeth.

Hello readers! I've decided to start a Percy Jackson trivia, asking you one question about any of the Percy Jackson or Hero of Olympus books at the end of each new chapter. Please comment your answer.

Q: In what book do we meet Clovis?

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