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Happy belated holidays! Sorry for the majorly slow update, I've been working on other stories and I got distracted. Enjoy!

Annabeth's POV:

I was still cautious with Percy, but it was beyond great to have him back. He seemed to be smiling less than he used to, but that's probably normal. After all, he was just possessed.
Percy, Nico, and I were walking near the cabins when I asked him about it.
"So," I began cautiously. "Percy, have you been feeling okay?"
"What?" He asked quickly. "Like, have I been feeling the urge to kill anyone lately?"
"No!" I exclaimed. "I didn't mean that! I just meant, you're not smiling as much anymore, and I was wondering how you were feeling... emotionally."
"Oh," he replied quietly, and I noticed Nico looking at us like we were a couple of bombs about to go off. "Yeah," Percy continued. "I'm fine. Just a little weirded out by the whole, possessed thing..."
"Your fine now..." I reassured him, though I wasn't sure if I was trying to convince him, or myself.

Nico's POV:

I knew Percy was acting all good and like he was okay, but something about him seemed... off.
I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but I sensed, more than heard, or saw that something was different. Or maybe worse, maybe, something was the same.
Maybe there's something the same as when Ouranos was controlling him...
No, we got rid of him....or, Percy did. But how? How did Percy just, magically get rid of a being as powerful as Ouranos? I know Annabeth is happy to have Percy back, and I don't want to ruin that for her if there's nothing to worry about, but... I just can't shake the feeling that something's still wrong...
Wow. Hello paranoia, my old friend.

Percy's POV:

Annabeth and Nico were both looking at me weirdly now.
Do they know? I asked Ouranos.
They suspect, he replied. But that is nothing more than their guesses. They have no way of knowing anything.
Good. I thought.
"So," I said aloud. "What do you guys want to talk about?"
"Not sure," Nico said awkwardly, then laughed. "Wow. I guess this whole things really messed us up, huh?"
Annabeth laughed a little. "Yeah," she said. "I guess so."
"That's okay." I told them. "We'll be okay."

~time jump - one hour~

I was in the forest, looking around. Nothing.
Keep going. Ouranos commanded. We must find it!
"I know," I replied aloud. "But where would it be?"
All we know is that the stone is somewhere in this forest. We just need to find it.
"If I'm gone too much longer," I explained. "People will get suspicious."
Just keep looking!
"Okay, okay, I'm looking."
And I kept looking. I looked for the Imperium Stone until the sun went down, then I finally gave up for the night and headed back to my cabin.

~time jump - the next morning after breakfast~

"So," Annabeth said as we walked by the beach. "Where were you last night? You missed dinner."
"Oh," I said. "I was taking a walk in the woods. Just needed to think I guess."
Annabeth nodded, smiling. "You'd think you'd get enough time in that forest playing capture the flag."
"Speaking of which, are Poseidon and Athena on the same team tonight?" I asked.
"Duh, Seaweedbrain."
"Sorry, just checking." I said with a laugh.
You can keep an eye out for it during this foolish game.
Yes, I know.
"Not too much longer to wait."
"Huh?" I asked.
Annabeth laughed. "Till capture the flag. You okay Percy?"
"Yeah," I said. "Just a little distracted, that's all."
"Okay, well we'd better go get ready for the game. See you later."
Annabeth leaned over and kissed me on the cheek before disappearing into the Athena cabin.

~time jump - half an hour later~

I was heading for the forest with the Athena, Iris, Ares, Zeus (just Jason), Hecate, and Hermes cabins. We'd be facing the Apollo, Hades, Hypnos (who don't play), Aphrodite (who also don't play, except for Piper), Hephaestus, Nike, Dionysus, and Demeter cabins.
Annabeth was going over the plan we had and how I'd be going for the flag with her and Will, while Connor and Travis Stoll would wreak havoc of the other team. They liked our plan. The rest of our team would either defend our border and flag, or fight off the other team's defenses for us.
The game started, and the three of us rushed forward into the trees on the other side of the creek.

~time skip - one hour~

The game ended with one kid breaking an arm, but that was the worst injury. My team won, but I hadn't seen the stone, so Ouranos was mad.
Walking back to my cabin, I wondered where the stone was. Obviously in the forest, but where? How was it hidden? Was there a curse or something on it?
These thoughts swarmed me until I finally fell into an uneasy sleep.

Quiz time!!!!!!

Q: What is the name of the leader of the Amazons and who is her sister?

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