[10] TEN //

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(This the last chapter! I had a ton of fun writing it! I'm so excited to start writing Attack of the Clones! and this chapters really short because it's not apart of the film, this is just an explanation and filler between the story and my character)

It had been only days since The Naboo finally waged a victory over the trade federation, the victory celebrations lasted hours but since then everyone returned home. Obi-Wan and his Padawan Anakin returned to Coruscant immediately after the celebrations ended and after Master Qui-Gon's funeral. Obi-Wan was frantic to see his little sister after receiving news she was taken back to Coruscant in Critical Condition, he couldn't bear to lose another person in his life. Especially his sister.

Obi-Wan's feet padded quickly across the floors of the Jedi Temple, his long strides were equivalent to four of Anakin's steps who had difficulty catching up with his master. Guards surrounded the medbay, and more than one, although The Jedi Masters were convinced the girl wouldn't perform another disappearing act for a long time.

Jedi Master Yoda and Mace Windu walk out of the medbay, not at all surprised to see the two present, they were more surprised they hadn't got here quicker. "Obi-Wan.. Anakin." Master Windu curtly nods to the two before excusing himself. Obi-Wan wasn't the only person affected by the news of Orabelle, her Jedi Master was just as much affected as Obi-Wan was.

"Enter, you must not." Yoda shakes his head, peering up at Obi-Wan. "She's my sister-."

"Time for your defiance, we do not have. Ask for your presence, we do." Yoda admits sternly, hobbling past the two with the help of his stick. Obi-Wan put a hand on Anakin's shoulder, both the Jedi being heartbroken, "We'll see her another time." He reassures and follows Yoda in silence.

Anakin looked back, just catching a glimpse, she looked peaceful, and she would've looked more peaceful had she not been strapped to a breathing apparatus. Anakin wished he had been there to help, he hoped that she would pull through. The two found themselves in front of two masters, Mace Windu and Yoda.

"Orabelle, as you both know, disobeyed the wishes of the order. Despite this, we pardon her defiance... As she helped aid the Queen and her men to victory.. Now, we have reason to believe that Orabelle is attuned to the force like no one has been before." Mace Windu announced to the two Jedi, Anakin perplexed, all the while Obi-Wan showed great curiosity.

"Attuned? Much like Master Yoda?" Obi-Wan questioned.

"No.. much more..unique.. In the Jedi Order, attachment is forbidden. Orabelle disobeys this law, we can't explain how or why, but when she is attached so is the force. It's true that Orabelle was fond of Master Qui-Gon?"

Obi-Wan nodded, "she thought of him as a father," he confirmed and Mace continued on, "she attached herself, and so did the force. An attachment so strong that when the force flowed through her more prominently, started to affect her."

Mace Windu, paused, what had happened to Orabelle was spectacular, nothing anyone had seen before, Yoda and Mace were positive it wasn't true. "On Tatooine, her senses were more connected to the force, that's when it started, she fainted from exhaustion battling a Sith Lord. Her attachments will be her demise. Then as she continued to overwork herself, pain was more evident and death was inevitable. Orabelle's attachments are deadly. You said she thought of Master Qui-Gon as a father? In his death, the very fatal wound that ended his life was mimicked on Orabelle."

Obi-Wan furrowed his eyebrows, "How is that possible?"

"Her connection to people, to the force, affects her. The moment she opened herself up more to the force was the moment she started paying for a decade of pain. It seems that whoever she attaches herself too, whenever they're hurt it affects her physically, something we haven't seen before. Which is why it's important to sever the connections. The Order wants you to train your Padawan by taking him on missions to different systems and planets, away from your sister."

"I can't just leave her.."

"Say if you were to stay here, how sure are you that you won't be in harm's way?"

Obi-Wan looked down, he had been hit with a terrible truth, he had to leave his sister, and he wasn't sure when he'd see her again. If he saw her again. "Report to us her condition. Please." Obi-Wan nearly pleaded, it broke his heart into pieces having to leave his sister, but he knew it was for the better.

Mace Windu curtly nodded, along with Yoda. The worst part was not being able to say goodbye.

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