Chapter Three: Secrets

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"Hey Y/n?" Erza asked the dragon slayer.

"Yeah?" You said, turning your head a bit to look at her. 

"How do you know where to go so well? We had to use Natsu's dragon sense just to find this place." Erza asked.

You tensed for a moment, which didn't go unnoticed by the strangers. Since they were soldiers, they had to learn to be very observant and notice the simplest of change in body language.

"That's none of your business." You said coldly and walked past everyone. Leaving Erza confused about what she had done to make you so upset.

You walked in front the rest of the way with your head down as you thought of the past.

*Time Skip*

"We're here." You said to Levi and the others as your approched the doors to the guild hall.

On the way, Lucy, Erza, Natsu, and Gray, explained the use of magic, how it works, and what guilds are, and how they work as well. That way they wouldn't be totally confused when they got into town.

"So this is your guild?" Armin asked, looking up at the building. 

"Yeah, hope you+r good at dodging things though." You said.

"Wait, why?" Eren asked.

"This is why." Erza said and opened the doors.

As the doors opened, a chaotic scene filled their eyes. There was a huge fight going on inside the guild. Glass mugs, tables, and even people, were flying everywhere.

"So, is this what normally goes on in a guild?" Hange asked.

"Well, not usually. Were just a, uh, special, guild, I guess you could say." Lucy said and sweat-dropped.

"Yeah, special is definitely something that you could call us." You said and walked in as the others followed behind you.

"Come with me upstairs, that's where the Master's office is." You said since you were now the only one left as Natsu and Gray had already started a fight, so Erza hit them, Lucy had to break them apart, and Wendy had to heal them.

What a team.

"Well, it's going to be fun trying to get to the other side of the room in this chaos." Hanji said.

"It's not that hard if you're good at dodging things." You said. "But I guess I can help with that too." 

"Time Stop." You said and raised her hand to the crowd of guild members.

Time itself seemed to have stopped as everyone and everything froze. 

"There. Now lets go." You said and started walking to the second floor.

Levi followed her, but the others were frozen in shock at what she had done. They had never seen anything like it. Even though they had explained it all to them, it was still amazing to see in person, with their own eyes. Even Levi was surprised, but he would never show it, nor would he ever say it.

"You guys coming or what?! I can't hold this spell for much longer!" You shouted at the frozen group.

They all snapped out of it and followed you and Levi.

However as they walked, Levi couldn't help but think about everything. This girl...Levi was somewhat curious about her. No one had ever talked to him the way that she did, and that interested him. He was determined to find out more about her. How she acted. What she felt. How she thinked. 

He remembered what her, friends, I guess you could call them, had said about her on the way here.


"Hey, what's with Y/n? Why is she so mean?" Eren asked. It would be a lie to say that the others didn't want to know as well. Even Levi wanted to know.

"No one really knows. She rarely ever talks to anyone, and she always goes on solo missions. Sometimes she'll take Wendy, but it doesn't happen very often. And well, she's not exactly mean. Harsh and cold, yes. But if someone needs her help she'll always offer it." Erza said

"So you don't know anything about why she's so cold?" Hanji asked, disappointed that she couldn't find out more about this female Levi.

"Well, I do know one thing that could cause it." Erza said hesitantly.

"Hm? What is it?" Mikasa asked, because even she was interested in this strange girl.

"I know that she was abused as a child." Erza said sadly.

"She was?" Armin asked.

"Yeah, that could be part of the reason that she doesn't trust people. But, I think that there's more to it than that. She just hasn't gotten close enough to anyone to tell them about it."

*End of flashback*

Now he was even more interested. He wanted to know what big secret she was keeping, and what was so bad about it. Though this was very unusual for him to actually care about anything, he was just to curious. He was going to find out no mater what.

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