Chapter Ten: Everything Revealed

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"What happened Wendy?" Levi asked again.

Wendy continued to look down with tears in her eyes. 

"Well, we left the guild to go on the mission and went to the requester's house. He was a very nice man. He told us where the monster was and wished us luck. We went to the place, and the man was right because the monster jumped out as soon as we got there. But, suddenly Y/n started yelling at me. She told me to run, and stay out of the fight. The monster, that was supposed to just be a normal mission difficulty, was actually an SS-Class monster. Y/n was fighting it, while I stayed in the back, healing her when necessary. She finished surprisingly quickly. We went back to the requester's house, with a very, very mad Y/n. But she was also very weak, and so was I from using my healing magic so much. We got to the house, and as soon as he answered the door, she punched him square in the face." Wendy chuckled at the last part, as did Levi surprisingly. 

Wendy continued. "He tried to explain why he did what he did, but Y/n wasn't having any of it." 

*Wendy's POV*

We got back to the house, and the man opened the door, as Y/n punched him in the face and stormed into the house.

"Give me one good reason I shouldn't beat the hell out of you right now." She said. 

The man looked terrified. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't think that anyone would come if I had said the true difficulty of the mission!" He said. 

"That doesn't mean you lie!" Y/n yelled. "What if I hadn't been here?! What if someone less powerful came on this mission, thinking it was just an average mission?! You would've been responsible for the death of Fairy Tail members, and trust me, you don't want the entire guild coming after you for that. You are very lucky I'm qualified for these missions." She said. "And, if you had just said that the mission was an emergency, someone would've came to help immedietly." She said.

The man looked down in shame. "I'm sorry."

Y/n glared at him. "Let's go Wendy." She said as she walked out of the house

I nodded and followed her out.

*Flashback Over*

"Well that explains why she was so weak. But how'd she get the scar?" Levi asked.

"O-on our way back from the mission, we were both very weak as I said before. Y/n more so since she actually fought. But as we were heading back, a man jumped out with a knife. I assume the he didn't know who Y/n was, or he wouldn't have ran at me with it. I guess he thought that I would be easy to take out. And he was right. I didn't even move because I was so shocked and surprised. He swung the knife at me, and I snapped out of it when I saw Y/n in front of me. She had taken the hit. I insisted that I wanted to heal her, but she said no and that it didn't hurt. I knew that she was lying, but she knew I was low on magic energy. We went back to the guild, and well, you know the rest." She explained, tears running down her cheeks. 

"I was so weak! I couldn't do anything!" She yelled, her small fists clenched in front of her. 

Levi looked over at Y/n. "Don't blame yourself kid. You know she would've been too stubborn to let you help anyway."

Wendy laughed. "Yeah, that's true I guess." 

"I'm going go tell Master what happened. Will you look after her for a few minutes? Come get me if something changes." She said and Levi nodded. 


She smiled. "Thanks!" She said and ran out.

Levi looked at the door. "You're an idiot." Levi said, referring to Y/n. 

"Well screw you too."

Levi's eyes widened in surprise as he looked at you and saw that you were awake.

"Well you are." He said. "Why would you fight alone?"

You sighed and sat up slowly. "I didn't want her to get hurt. I'm the strongest member of the guild, and even I had trouble with it. Wendy could've gotten seriously injured. I'm used to this. She isn't. And Wendy's like my little sister. I won't lose two." 

"What do you mean?" He asked.

Your eyes widened, realizing that you had said that out loud. "Well shit."

You sighed again and looked over to the man. "I guess I can tell you. The reason I don't like getting close to anyone, is because my family was killed in front of me. The murderers kidnapped me and my little sister, abusing us for a long time. They eventually killed my little sister, in front of me, and I escaped, found Acnologia, and over time joined Fairy Tail. Hense all the trust issues and all." You explained. 

Levi gave all his attention to you. Every ounce of his being was paying attention to your story, nodding every so often to prove he was listening. He honestly didn't expect this to be your backstory. Yeah he knew you were abused...but this...this was much worse than he thought. "So that's the reason..." 

You nodded. "Yes, I don't want to get close to anyone, because they all leave or die in some way."

Levi let out a dry laugh, not having any real humor behind him. "Oh trust me I understand how that feels. My world is filled with giant ass titians who love to eat people." 

"Well shit. Now I feel like I have no right to complain about my problems anymore." You said, chuckling softly. 

Levi joined in as the two of you laughed for a moment. He wouldn't admit it, but he couldn't help but love the sound of your laugh. He hadn't heard it before. But he almost never wanted to hear anything else. It was just so sweet and warm. Something that made him feel emotions he didn't know he was capable of feeling anymore.  Hell he didn't know that he could even laugh anymore. But there was just something about you. When he was with you, he felt his problems and worries disappear. It was something he wouldn't mind getting used to. 

The laughter died down, but the warm atmosphere remained. The two of you just looked at each other now. You knew that the both of you were having the same thoughts. But neither one of you were willing to act on them. As if one was waiting for the other to make the first move. 

Levi seemed to be the one to act first. He leaned in a bit closer, looking from your lips to your eyes. As if he was asking for some kind of permission. When he noticed you weren't fighting or pulling away, he took it as a sign of acceptance. So he leaned in a bit further as you did the same. You felt his lips brush against yours and it sent your heart soaring into space. You felt your cheeks burn like a fire, but in a pleasant way. 

It was as if this was meant to happen. 

(Hehe.....cliffhanger!! So, what do you want to happen? Want them to kiss, or want someone to interrupt? If so, who?)

BYES :D!!!

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