Chapter Nine: A Mission; A Surprise

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"What do you mean you have to leave?!" Hanji exclaimed. 

You sighed. "I have to go on a mission for a little while. I need the money in order to keep this place. No money means no house. No house means no portal." You told the group. 

At the time everyone was in the guild hall, and you had said you needed to go on a mission so you could pay rent. 

"I'll only be gone for a day or so." You shrugged and walked up the stairs to get an S-Class mission before coming back down to Mira, who approved the mission. 

You walked past the AOT crew and smirked at the glaring Levi. "Something the matter short stack?" 

"Shut the hell up you're shorter than me."  

"Maybe, but at least I'm a girl and can actually fight." 

"Bitch I will beat you."

"Hm, I'd love to see you try." You said, your eyes glaring into his. 

But something was...different. And Levi noticed it. Your tone wasn't as intimidating. It was more playful. Your eyes weren't as cold and dark. They were more mischievous. Levi couldn't help but enjoy it. 

Before your little bicker could continue, Wendy ran over. "Wait, Y/n!"

"What is it Wendy?" You asked, putting your hands in your pockets as you looked down at the young girl. 

"C-can I go with you?" She asked with a nervous blush.

You shook your head. "I don't know Wendy. This is an S-Class mission."

Wendy looked up at you. "Please Y/n. Y-you'll be there to protect me!" She exclaimed. 

You sighed and bit your lip, thinking on it for a moment. "Fine. Let's get going." You said and walked out. 

Wendy smiled and nodded, running to catch up with you.

"I can't believe she had the nerve to leave in the middle of making that portal." Levi thought, glaring at the door. "Still though, I can't help but have a bad feeling about this mission."

*Time Skipy~*

You and Wendy walked through the guild doors two days later. Wendy had her head down, ashamed, as everyone in the guild gasped as they saw your face.

You had a huge cut across your right eye. You still had the eye open and could still see out of it though, but just barely. It went from above your nose, to over your eye, then to your cheekbone. Your clothes were a bit torn, and you looked extremely weak. 

Wendy tried walking the two of you inside, but you stumbled a little bit from being so low in power and overall strength. Levi was the first to make his way towards you and let you lean on him for support, while his comrades were surprised at his action. 

Levi looked at you worriedly as he tried his best to support you. "What happened? Are you alright Y/n?"

You nodded your head, but passed out as he quickly wrapped his arms around you. 

"Tch. You nod you're head yes, then pass out." He grumbled, lifting you up in his arms.

He walked past the shocked others, and carried you to the infirmary, setting you down gently on the bed as Wendy was right behind him.

Wendy did her best to heal you up, but the wound on your eye would remain as a scar. But at least you were conscious again. 

"What happened on that mission? I thought that you were able to complete century quests. Why did an S-Class one effect you so much?" Levi asked, trying his best not to sound harsh or judgemental. He didn't want to hurt the girl in her fragile state.  

"Well, that mission," You started, looking down. "wasn't what we thought it would be."

(Cliffhanger~ Comment down below what you think happened to Y/n? Why does Wendy feel so guilty?)


(Why does Levi care?)

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