Chapter Seven: Closer

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You unlocked the door as you all finally made it to the house. You walked in first and let everyone else follow you before you shut the door.  

"This is where I will work on the portal." You said. "It's the only place that's safe from other people trying to go inside it."

"Alright. How will this work?" Armin asked you, looking around the place.

"Like this." You said and put your hands out. Magic energy flew from your hands and to the wall in front of you. It went in a circular motion for a little while, before stopping.

"Cool." Eren said.

Hanji nodded in agreement. "Ooo can you describe how this works?" She asked with a sparkle in her eyes. 

"Yeah...yeah sure." You whispered, swaying on your feet before collapsing. 

"Y/n!" They shouted.

Levi didn't move or say anything, but he did look at you with concern. He assumed the girl was just tired. 

Hanji went over to you and put a hand on your shoulder. "Are you ok?" She asked worriedly. 

"I'm fine." You said sternly. "Just go to the guild and get Wendy. She can heal me and restore my power."

Hanji nodded. "Alright." She said and went to the door. 

"Levi, you stay here and look after her while the rest of us go get Wendy." Hanji said and ran off with the others, not giving him a chance to respond.

"Tch." Levi said and looked at you. "Why the hell does it take so many people to go get one girl." He mumbled. "What's wrong with you anyway?" 

You glared at him. "Nothing. I'm just really low on magic energy."

You tried to get up, but fell over from being too weak. Low magic energy really was a bitch. 

You hated being weak.

However, Levi caught you before you fell. He put his hands on either side of your waist to help steady you. Thank goodness that you were wearing your jacket, or Levi would've been touching your bare skin, which isn't something you would appreciate. 

"You're not fine." He told you.

 "Let go."


Levi directed you to the couch and laid you down gently before sitting next to you. 

"Stop being so stubborn and just let me help." He said.

You looked away slightly, a small pout on your face. "Whatever."

Levi himself was a bit taken aback. He usually doesn't voluntarily help people like this. He couldn't explain it, but something in his mind just told him to do so. That this girl was someone he should protect. Someone he should try and be around a bit more...

"Thank you Levi." You mumbled, your eyes slowly looking back up into his.

It's like you were both in a staring contest, as neither one of you looked away for a second. The darkness and loneliness in both of your eyes vanished, and were replaced by a soft, and gentle look. Neither one of you could explain why this was happening. As soon as eye contact was formed, it's like the whole world stopped. It was just you and him. 

That feeling in your chest...that increased heartrate. It made you more nervous than it did happy. And the same could be said for Levi. He knew was this feeling was, and it terrified him. 

Though the moment was ruined when Hanji and the others came back, bursting through the door. 

"Y/n!" Wendy exclaimed and went by your side.

Levi coughed a bit and stood up as he walked back to the others.

"So what happened while we were gone?" Hanji asked the captain.

"Tch, nothing." Levi said, crossing his arms as he looked at Y/n and Wendy. 

"Really? Is that the truth?" Hanji asked, trying to pry for more information.

"Yes. Now leave me alone."

"I don't believe you, but I'll drop it for now." Hanji said.

"Something happened between them while we were gone. I'm sure of it." Hanji thought, looking between you and her fiesty friend. 

"I will find out what happened." Hanji said and smirked. 

"Tch." Levi responded.

"There you go Y/n." Wendy said and stepped back. "You're all healed."

"Thanks Wendy." You said and ruffled the girl's hair.

Wendy giggled and smiled at her. "Well you did save me earlier, so its the least I could do. Anyway to get back to the guild now. Natsu and Gray were fighting when I left, so I'm guessing I'm going to have to go and heal them. I'll see you later." She said and ran out.

"Be careful. Don't use too much of your power." You told her as she left. 

"That's all I can do for the portal today. I can get 10% done each day. So you still have 9 more days left here." You said and stood up.

They nodded in understanding.

"So we still have about a week and a half here?" Armin asked.

"Yes." You said to answer his question.

"Hey Y/n?" Mikasa asked.

"What?" You responded.

"On the way here, Wendy told us that part of the reason that you're so distant is because people are afraid of you. Is that true?" Mikasa asked.

You sighed and nodded. "Yes that is true. People take one look at my dragon fangs, or dragon eyes, and immediately become afraid, and think that I will hurt them. Plus my father isn't known as the nicest person, or dragon I guess you could say."

"Oh, well I can relate to you on that." Eren said and smiled. "If it helps, we're not afraid of you." Eren said. "Well, maybe a little." He said again and laughed slightly.

The others joined in his laughter.

You smiled a small, gentle, smile at them that was barely noticeable.

But a certain corporal did.

"So, one of the reasons people are afraid of her, is because her eyes are so dragon-like? Usually they're cold and empty. Like mine. But when I looked into them, I saw sadness, confusion, and . . . hurt. I don't think that she's truly as bad as she's trying to seem." Levi thought.

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