The Secret of Sapphire

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McFist shocked Sapphire again. "Tell me who the ninja is!" McFist yelled.

"Like I keep telling you, I don't know!" Sapphire panted.

"Liar!!" McFist yelled shocking her again.

"Even if I did know who the ninja was, I wouldn't sell him out like that. I would rather die than tell you; I owe the ninja my life." Blood streamed down Sapphire's cheek from her forehead. 

Sapphire panted, and her hair began to glow a bright red, her red tip of her hair began to grow. Her hair became half way red, and the rest was brown.

"Trust me McFist, you don't want to see the bad side of me." Sapphire looked up at McFist, her eyes glowing red.

McFist back away a step. "And you don't know what I'm capable of." McFist taunted. "VICEROY!! Get the mind reader." Sapphire gasped at the words mind reader.

I looked behind him, seeing that Viceroy wasn't there to here to hear McFist.

"Viceroy!" McFist yelled walking out of the room through the sliding doors.

Randy stood on the roof of McFist's hideout. 

"Don't worry Sapphire, the ninja will protect you." Randy said before jumping into the air duct. He avoided all the traps, and landed in the same room Sapphire was in. Only she wasn't there, the shinobi was there.

McFist walked into the room, and saw the shinobi. "Where's the girl?!"

"The girl is long gone already." The shinobi said standing on the chair.

Randy lowered himself to watch what was going on.

"Is it just me, or does the ninja look different to you?" Viceroy asked.

"Oh I am not the ninja, I'm much more legendary than the ninja. Most people don't even believe I exist." The shinobi walked up to McFist. "I am the shinobi."

Viceroy gasped, as well as McFist.

"I am an ally of the ninja, but I do know nothing about the ninja." The shinobi said to McFist.

"Yeah." Randy stood up, and jumped down next to the shinobi. "So, you can go down the easy way or the hard way. And preferably, I hope you choose hard, cause you captured a friend of mine, and I just want to beat you to a pulp right now." Randy put his fists up.

The shinobi starred at Randy, like it was astounded of what he said.

'Friend?' The shinobi thought. At that moment the shinobi knew exactly who the ninja was. There was no doubt in its head of who the ninja was.

"What do ya say, shinobi?" Randy asked pulling out his sword.

The shinobi smiled from under the mask. "Yeah."

The shinobi pulled out it sword too.

"Viceroy!" McFist yelled.

"On it." Viceroy pushed the button on his remote.

A huge horde of robo-apes, robo-lizards, and even a Crakenstein came into the room. Randy and the shinobi gasped at the robots.

"Ninja." The ninja looked over at the shinobi. "Your elemental is fire and air, right?" 

"Yeah, why?" Randy asked.

"Then, when we fight side by side, we'll be like like fire and ice." The shinobi said.

Randy smirked from under his mask. "Lets do this." Randy said.

Randy attacked the horde of robo-apes, while the shinobi staid behind. It raised its arms, and a flurry of snow surrounded it. It's eyes changed to red. 

"Ninja, use your fire!" The shinobi yelled.

Randy stood next to the shinobi. He fired himself up, as the shinobi's suit changed to a light blue. 

"Ninja fire ball!" 

"Shinobi ice flare!" They both yelled.

Randy threw his fire ball, as a huge fire like ice flared from behind it. the blue flame like ice wind pushed the fire ball faster. It hit the robots and exploded, sending fire all over the lab. When the fire faded, a huge gust of icy wind came across the lab.

When the dust faded, everything in the lab was destroyed. The ninja and the shinobi panted from their own power. The shinobi's eyes returned to normal, and it fell to one knee. Like it became so weak to even stand.

"Ninja smoke bomb!" The ninja disappeared with the shinobi.

The shinobi woke up under the same tree it put Randy when it saved him. 

"Ninja?" It said as it woke up.

"You're awake." Randy smiled.

"Yeah." The shinobi rubbed its head.

"What happened? Ya know, back there." Randy asked.

"You really know nothing about the shinobi, do you?" The shinobi sat up.

"Not really." The ninja responded.

"The ninja and the shinobi both have two elements. The primary is air, meaning both have air. The second elemental, you choose your own path for. Like you chose fire, and I chose ice." The shinobi explained.

"That doesn't explain why you passed out after you used your elemental." Randy pointed out.

"I'm not like the normal ninja or shinobi in the past. You'll learn soon enough, Randy." The shinobi's eyes widened when it said that.

Randy was put in shock. "How do you know my name?" Randy asked.

"Lucky guess." The shinobi lied.

"Wait a minute, why have I only seen you recently, and never before?" Randy asked.

"Because you never really needed my help before recently?" The shinobi tried to cover its case.

Randy frowned. He grabbed the bottom of the shinobi's mask and ripped it off, before it had time to react.


The Girl Named Sapphire (Book 1) #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now