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Sapphire woke up with Itachi laying his head on the bed. He waited for her to awake, as Randy was asleep on the floor. Sapphire tried to sit up on the bed, making Itachi wake up.

"You're awake." Itachi said, smiling.

"Yeah, what happened to me?" Sapphire asked.

"Your energy became unbalanced, you almost died." Itachi said.

"How am I still here then?" Sapphire asked.

"We got you in a stable environment." Itachi explained.

"How did you find me?" Sapphire shot questions at Itachi.

Itachi opened his mouth to say something then second guessed himself.

"You followed me didn't you?" Sapphire became angry with Itachi,

"Well, kinda?" Itachi was unsure of his answer.

Sapphire threw herself out of bed; stepping over Randy, she stormed out of the room. Only, before she could leave, someone grabbed her wrist from the shadows. She became calm at the person's touch.

"You should rest." The person said to her.

She nodded, and stumbled back to her bed. She laid down as the person came out from the shadows. He had black hair, which was longer on one side than the other. He wore a long sleave blue shirt, with a chest pad over it.

The person walked up to the bed, and placed his hand on her head. His hand began to glow a light green. He healed her head, making her energy stable.

Randy jerked himself up. "That's my sword!" He yelled, then fell back and fell asleep.

"What was that?" The man asked.

"It seemed to be a night terror." Itachi said.

Sappjire laid on the bed being healed, when she asked, "Who are you?"

"My name is Kirito Sai." He answered.

"Why do I feel so calm?" She asked him.

"Healers have a calming energy wavelength." He answered Sapphire.

"Energy wavelength?" She asked.

"It's like an aura. Since you have a special energy, your wavelength will match anyone's wavelength. And Healer's wavelength are normally calming." Kirito answered.

"How come it doesn't match with Itachi's or Randy's?"

"Because my wavelength is more frequent than Itachi's or Randy's. So whenever I'm around, you should be calm." Kirito pulled his hand away from her head.

 "Kirito, where are we." She asked.

"The mortal world, your mountain side cavern." Kirito stood up. "Itachi, can I talk to you?"

Itachi stood up and walked out of the room with Kirito. At the sound of the door shutting Randy woke up. He sat up and pulled himself off the ground.

Sapphire starred at him, as he starred back.

"You're up."Randy said rubbing his head.


"How are you feeling?" He asked sitting at the end of the bed.

"Better, I just have a bit of a head ache." She replied.

"Here, I can fix that." Randy smiled.

He crawled over her and kissed her forehead softly. Sapphire's face flushed pink, she sat up with Randy's lips still on her forehead.

She tightly put Randy in her grip. "What's happening?"

Randy pressed his forehead against hers. "Nothing that we can't handle. Trust me, we can get through this."

Sapphire dug her head into Randy's shoulder.

Kirito and Itachi watched from behind the corner, not close enough for Kirito's wavelength to reach Sapphire's energy.

"As you can see, Randy's wavelength brings out the fragile side of her." Kirito explained.

"So are all of these personalities hers, they're just brought out in a different matter?" Itachi asked.

"Exactly." Kirito answered. "But it would seem that, that's not the only personality in her that he brings out."

"Sapphire, are you afraid of the sorcerer?" Randy asked Sapphire, patting her head softly.

"If I told you the truth, you'd look down on me. You'd think I'm weak." Sapphire said into Randy's shoulder.

"Not true, you're more braze than I could ever be. Hell, you make me look like a mouse being chaced by a falcon." Randy tightened his grip on her.

"Don't touch her." Itachi growled wanting to pull Randy away.

Kirito grabbed Itachi's collar and held him back. "Why stop it now, it's just getting good."

Randy pushed her head away from his shoulder. "But, there are somethings that I do have the courage to do."

Sapphire's face turned a bright pink, as Randy brushed her hair behind her ear. He put his hand on the back of her head. He pulled her close, then closer, when...

"Stop!" Itachi yelled, breaking free of Kirito's grip.

Sapphire's face returned to normal, and she pushed Randy away from her.

"Hm, and we were just getting to my favorite part." Kirito walked out from behind the wall.

Itachi grabbed Randy by his hood, and held him off the ground. 

"You stay away from my little sister." Itachi growled.

"Itachi, it's fine." Sapphire said calmly.

"I know this isn't exactly the right time, but there's something we must retrieve from the underworld." Kirito butted in.

"The underworld?" Randy asked being set down my Itachi.

"It's the world for the evil demons that once lived in Avon. A dangerous place indeed, but nothing contacts can't protect us from." Kirito said.

"Kirito, you know I'm a arch angel now right?" Sapphire asked.

"Yes, but you still have the eyes, right?" Kirito asked.

"Of course." Sapphire replied.

"Good, we'll need them." Kirito pulled out a book with the Nomicon symbol on it, and handed it to Sapphire. "Here, this is the shinobi nomicon. you'll need it."

"What do we need to get in the under world?" Sapphire asked.

"Two things. One: Allen Mychan. Two: The Staff of Demons."

****The picture is Kirito, I wanted everyone to see what he looks like, cause I did a crappy job of describing him.****

The Girl Named Sapphire (Book 1) #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now