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Sapphire sat in the cavern breathing heavily. When she looked up she saw that the whole cave was frozen, from her breathing.

She jumped at the sound of voice from the outside.

"Come on, lets get out of the rain, I found a cave!" She sprang up, putting her arms up in fighting form.

She clenched her head from a raging headache that sprang up along with her. She fell to the ground, hitting her head against the wall of the cave.

"Brr, it's freezing in here." The person said walking in.

Sapphire looked up at the two men that walked in. "Whose there?" Sapphire asked standing up.

Itachi's face came into view. "Sapphire? Is that you?" Itachi asked.

"Itachi?" Sapphire asked slidding back down to the ground.

Itachi ran over towards Sapphire. He kneeled down and wrapper his arms around her. "Sapphire, I'm so glad you're okay."

"I'm not." Sapphire stated.

"Are you okay, what's wrong?" Itachi asked.

"Why didn't you tell me I was the product of the sorcerer?!" Sapphire yelled pushing Itachi off of her.

Itachi looked at Sapphire with a shocked look. "How did you-"

"I heard everything from Allen. He told Randy about the sorcerer, and how I was the first demon." Sapphire began to cry. "How could you not tell me? Your own sister!"

"Mother made me swear I wouldn't tell you. Now that you know, you're in more danger." Itachi stood up.

"How am I in more danger?" Sapphire asked.

"Your memory was blocked so you couldn't remember all the memories that the sorcerer put in your head. And now that you know, your more likely to get all those false memories. But what's dangerous about it, they're realistic. If you fall into one, you can be put under his influence." Itachi explained.

"That's another reason we need Allen. He can relock the memories so you won't be influenced." Kirito walked up behind Itachi.

"No, I want the memories to come to me. If I don't, I'll never learn how to fight them." Sapphire looked up at Itachi.

"Sapphire? Are you okay?" Randy walked into the bedroom that she was sleeping in.

Randy was in shock when he saw the window open and Sapphire missing. Randy ran out to Allen with worry in his eyes.

"Sapphire's missing." Randy said.

"Damn it!" Allen slammed his hand on the table. "Come on, we need to find her before the sorcerer does."

 Randy nodded as Allen grabbed his sword.

"Itachi?" Sapphire asked becoming lite headed.

"What is it?" Itachi asked.

"I just become really dizzy, and lite headed." Sapphire looked up at Itachi.

Itachi and Kirito looked at each other in worry. "We need to get Sapphire out of here." Itachi said to Kirito.

"I don't think so." Someone said in the distance.

"Who's there." Kirito drew his sword, suggesting to protect Itachi and Sapphire.

"I don't think a sword will protect you from my power." The person said.

Stank appeared around the cave, making Sapphire even more lite headed.

"Who ever you are, stop that!" Itachi yelled.

"She is vunerable, she's mine!" The person yelled happily.

Stank surrounded Sapphire and flew into her pocket and her Shinobi mask flew out. The stank sank itself into the mask and the mask placed itself on Sapphire's head.

Sapphire's eyes flashed open, appearing to be stank green. She stood up as the green aura surrounded her body.

She turned towards Itachi and Kirito. She raised her arms and formed an ice sword. She took hold of the sword and prepped herself to fight Kirito.

Kirito raised his sword.

"What're you doing? You can't fight my sister." Itachi reached out towards Kirito.

"If I don't I won't be able to knock that stank out of her." Kirito said preparing for Sapphire's attack.

"Then if we have to fight her, I'll do it." Itachi pushed Kirito aside. "If anyone can beat her, it would be me."

Itachi puled out his sword to fight Sapphire.

"Trust me, I'm sure Sapphire would love to fight you two, but not now." The sorcerer came into view. "I plan on putting her against the ninja, I want to see the ninja struggle before I kill him."

"You bastard!" Itachi yelled.

And with the snap of the sorcerer's fingers, he and Sapphire disappeared.

"Sapphire!" Itachi yelled, as he cried. "No!" Itachi slammed his fist on the ground. "I lost her!"

Itachi continued hitting the ground, crying. He seemed to have lost his sanity. He slammed his fist again, hard enough to break the ice on the ground.

"Itachi, Kirito! Is that you?" Randy called as he ran into the cave followed by Allen. "We heard yelling and we thought it was you."

"Randy, I'm glad you're here." Kirito said.

"What happened?" Randy asked.

"He took her." Itachi cried.

"What?" Allen asked.

"The sorcerer put stank in Sapphire, and took her." Kirito explained.

"What?" Randy asked in shock. "How is that possible?"

"She was vulnerable from figuring out she was the product of the sorcerer." Kirito explained.

"How'd she found out?" Allen asked.

"She said she over heard you and Randy talking about it." Kirito said.

"Damn it." Allen snickered to himself. "This is really bad, now that she knows the memories will begin to flood her mind."

"We need to find her as soon as possible, and Randy." Kirito looked over at Randy.

"What is it?" Randy asked.

"You are going to have to fight Sapphire." Itachi stood up.

"I can't fight Sapphire, you've seen her power level, and then you look at mine. I won't last 10 minutes in a fight against Sapphire." Randy started to freak out.

"Maybe you can't, but the ninja can." Itachi said to Randy. "Only you can stop Sapphire."

"I maybe be stronger in my ninja form, but there's still no way." Randy said.

"Your elemental is fire right?" Itachi asked.

"Yeah, why?" Randy responded.

"Because, I'm going to make you into the Phoenix you are meant to be." Itachi smiled.

The Girl Named Sapphire (Book 1) #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now