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I watch Peeta slowly icing a cake on the kitchen counter, his head bowed in concentration. I love seeing him like this, doing something that makes him happy and letting his creative side shine. The cake is for greasy Sae, it’s her 50th birthday tomorrow. Every so often he shakes the hair out of his eyes, it’s longer now but he refused to let me cut it, he says he doesn’t want to end up with bald patches; I’m not that bad am I? ...point taken I suppose. It’s too hard to resist, all I want to do, is run my hand through his blonde wavy locks. So in the end I do, pulling his hair out of his eyes, as I do, he stops icing the cake and looks up at me with a surprised expression.

‘Sorry, Couldn’t help myself.’ I say, pulling my hand quickly back down to my side, looking down, blushing.

After a while I feel Peeta’s hand on my cheek, lifting my face up to his, meaning we were looking each other in the eyes. His expression is so warm and inviting, it makes me just want to jump him right here. ‘Katniss, why the hell are you saying sorry for? You’ve got nothing to be sorry about, it’s fine, no it’s more than fine.’ I see such raw emotion in his eyes. He strokes my cheek gently and then goes back to work like nothing happens. I sit glued to my chair, a bit confused at what just took place.

I decide to do some more work on the book; I begin a new page leaving space for Peeta’s drawings, and after a while he joins me, drawing a picture of Finnick and Annie’s new born son. Time flies and the by the time I look up at the clock 2 hours have gone past. Peeta is working on his own drawing now, and I’m curious to see what he has done.

‘Can I have a look?’ I ask.

Peeta looks up and smiles at me, ‘sure’ he replies, handing the piece of paper to me.

I recognise the memory almost instantly, He has drawn me, a younger me. About 6 or 7 with 2 loafs of burnt bread in my hands, I smile. This was probably the first time that Peeta had saved my life, I hadn’t really realised it at the time, Peeta had been saving my life since the first time I ever saw him.

I hand it back without a word, just a small smile, No matter how many of Peeta’s drawings I see they still blow me away and I hardly ever know what to say. He understands.

‘You were beautiful then you know, even when you were starving, with the dark purple shadows under your eyes and your ribs almost poking out of your skin, There was no girl in district 12 that could compete with you, there still isn’t. Your truly breath taking Katniss’ Peeta is staring directly into my eyes.

This Peeta reminds me of the old Peeta, the one in the cave and the one on the beach, and it gets my heart stirring just looking at him, it’s a wonderful feeling, like I’m floating.

I slowly lean in and gently press my lips against his, at first his lips are rigid with surprise but gradually they begin to move with mine and I place my hand on the back of his head pulling him closer, deepening the kiss. The sound of Peeta’s moaning nearly pulls me over the edge, this is unlike any of the other kisses we have had before, and this seems to hold something for me, hopefully for both of us.

As soon as Peeta begins to move away I immediately miss the contact. I watch as he steps away, running his hands through his hair.

‘I’ve got to get this cake over to Sae’s ready for tomorrow’ Peeta mumbles, as if we had been doing nothing. I sigh.

‘Right... Do you mind if I come?’ I ask warily. ‘I really need to get out of the house for a bit’ I’m trying to spend more time among people, keeping myself busy. Being alone just gives me more opportunity to relive the past.

‘Sure’ He smiles at me.

Before we even have a chance to knock on greasy Saes door, it barges open and we are rushed inside the house, however we do not stay for very long.

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