Pain and Love

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"Peeta I swear if you ask me if I'm okay one more time I'm going to hit you soooo hard!" I yell, stamping my feet. He was wearing me down to my last nerve. I still had a month left of my pregnancy and Peeta was driving me up the wall. Every five minutes like clockwork he would ask if I was okay and heaven forbid that I show any discomfort on my face from my precious angel kicking me.

"I'm sorry Katniss, I'm just so worried lately, you could go into labour any day now." Peeta sighs, running his hands through his scruffy blonde hair.

"Don't be ridiculous, you're just being melodramatic, I've still got another month before my due date. Don't worry." I respond softer, coming up behind him and stroking his back. I know it's not really his fault; he can't help caring about me. He just really needs to tone it down, and my mood swings lately really don't help the matter.

I was fed up. I was over having to go to the toilet every five minutes; I was over not being able to sleep because of the aches and pains, over being kicked in the ribs, over feeling like a whale, over not being able to see my feet and over the mood swings.

"I've got to nip out for about an hour Katniss, I've got orders from the bakery to deliver. Are you sure you'll be okay?" Peeta asks me.

"Yes, of course I will be, look I'm going to be in bed the whole time, I promise." I reply with a sigh.

"...okay. I love you" He states placing a kiss on my lips and then lifting my dress up and placing one on my enlarged stomach before he walks out of the door.

I slowly walk up the stairs and enter the bedroom, falling onto the bed in defeat to my feet and quickly falling asleep despite the dulling aching of my back because of the extra baby weight.

I am not asleep for long, I only get about 20 minutes before a sharp jolting pain in my stomach wakes me up. The pain was gone in about half a minute and so I shrugged it off as Braxton hicks, I'd been having a lot of pains lately. I stayed laid on the bed for a couple of minutes before getting up, giving up on sleep for the mean time. What Peeta doesn't know can't hurt him.

I swing my legs over the side of the bed, desperate to go to the toilet. Standing up I hear a soft pop and feel a warm liquid gush down between my legs. I look down and see a puddle on the floor.

"Shit!" I shout. It's not time yet, it's too early, far too early, I still had a month left on my pregnancy.

Another pain hints me, making me clench my teeth and grab my stomach.

"Oh god!" I pant out. The one and only time Peeta has left me for longer than 10 minutes in about 3 months and my waters brake, typical!

I reach into the draw and fish out the emergency phone Peeta had given me a few months ago and call Dr Way. I'm thankful for it now even though I thought it was ridiculous when he gave it to me. Hardly anyone in district 12 can afford phones.

It rings several times before he picks up; with the lack of phones in the district he has no need for a receptionist to answer for him.

"Hello, District 12 Doctors surgery, how may I help you?" the familiar voice answers.

"Doc, it's me Katniss. My waters have just broke and Peeta's not here. I don't think I'd be able to get to the surgery, can you please make a house call." I ask.

I hear shuffling for a few moments before he replies "On my way" and hangs up the phone.

I try dialling Peeta but his phone rings out and goes straight to voicemail and as I do a contraction hits me, almost taking the air out of my lungs. I decide to lay down on the bed, not able to stand up while having contractions.

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