Fairytale Endings

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I have accumulated plenty of names over the years: Katniss, Katnip, mockingjay, the girl on fire, the star-crossed lover and over the past few years I have earned a new one. Mother.

I hold the daisy in my hand, twisting it between my fingers in a slow and constant rhythm.

"Mummy, look what I made!" I look up, my focus being torn away from the daisy, as my daughter comes running at me, falling into my lap, holding her hands out.

"Look, a daisy chain!" she exclaims, showing me the long chain of daises connected together in a burst of colour.

I smile at her. "Did you do this yourself? That's beautiful" I tell her, stroking her hair softly.

She nods eagerly and runs away again through the long grass and beautiful flowers, blissfully unaware that she's playing on a graveyard.

I come here at least 3 times a week; I know Peeta frowns upon it but he never says anything, he knows how important it is to me, so many people from District 12 are buried here, so many people I would see on a regular basis just gone in an instance. It makes me feel close to them and I find it peaceful. It also serves as a reminder to me, that this is a new world, a world where our children are safe, safe from the hunger games and a world where the only things that scare them are the monsters hiding under their beds. Things that aren't really there, things that can't really hurt them.

Neither of our children knows about the games, they're both too young to understand. They catch the occasional footage of me and Peeta on the TV when it begins to get close to the anniversary of the games but they don't think much to it except for the comments because they're not on the TV and famous like their parents are. They will know when they're old enough to know though; I can't shut them out from something that will always be a part of mine and Peeta's life.

"Lavinia, it's time to go! Come on, we've got to go see dad and your brother in the bakery." I shout to her, standing up. It's almost getting dark and I didn't want Peeta worrying where we were.

She doesn't come when I call her, she never does. When it's time to leave she always crouches down low in the grass for me to find her, she almost always hides in the same spot though and it's easy enough to find her. She giggles as I get closer.

I scoop her up into my arms and run from the meadow, down the path back towards the village.

"Hey, how are my two most specialist ladies then?" Peeta exclaims as we walk in, scooping Lavinia up into his arms, tickling her into a fit of giggles with a wide smile across his face..

"Good" I smile back, walking up to him and kissing him quickly on the lips.

"Cake!" our daughter screams up at us, asking if she can have one.

"Not today sweet pea, you had some cookies earlier" I say, she responds by pouting her lips at me.

"Aww, c'mon Katniss how can you say no to that face?" Peeta whines, giving in quickly and pulling a cake off the shelf.

I sigh, he's always like this, always playing the nice parent, leaving me to be the stern one.

"You know this good cop; bad cop thing really isn't going to work in your favour forever" I say.

"I can try" he responds, sticking his tongue ever so slightly out of his mouth in a smirking gesture.

Today is a good day, these days we have a lot more good days than bad. It's been nearly 3 months since Peeta's last attack; they're slowly getting farther and farther apart. He still has days where he's barely hanging on and I still have days where the nightmares seem to almost seep into reality but we get through them, together. As a family.

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