Broken Pieces

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The forest has become an unbearable blaze. All I can see in every direction is bright orange flames. Burning branches crack from the trees and fall, showering sparks all around me. I know I need to leave, immediately. I dart, straight forwards, doing my best to dodge the falling branches and uplifted tree roots. I run and run, choking and wheezing from the smoke. I try to ignore it the best I can but as I run further it gets worse. My throat is closing up and I fall to the ground, gasping for air.

‘Katniss!’ I hear a voice in the distant, not just any voice but Prim’s voice. My ears prick up. I want to scream out, try to find her. But all that manages to come out of my mouth is a raspy whisper, which no one would have any hope to understand let alone hear.

‘Katniss!’ I hear Prim again, this time her voice is louder, more urgent. I feel so weak but I need to find Prim. I need to protect her. I slowly stand up and begin running again, following her voice. I do my best to try and ignore the pain quickly rising in my chest, but it’s slowing me down.

‘Katniss, Help!’ The voice is so close now and although the fire is still raging I seem to be coughing less and the pain in my chest at least isn’t getting any worse. I try shouting out again.

‘Prim!’ It isn’t quite a shout but it’s a lot better than what I had to work with a few minutes ago. I keep calling out, not wanting to lose her.

 The trees suddenly come to an end and I drop to the floor, coughing and wheezing, I look around, I recognise where I am immediately. I’m in the meadow. The fire hasn’t reached this far yet. It’s still beautiful. Still full of colourful swaying flowers and their sweet almost sickly smells.

‘Katniss!’ My head darts in the direction of the voice. I notice her immediately. Right on the other side of the meadow, right on the edge, her back is facing me but I know it’s her. The blond plait falling down her back and the duck tail formed by her untucked shirt, there’s no way it could be anyone else.

‘Prim!’ I shout as loud as I can this time, but she doesn’t turn around. She stays in the exact same position. I get up and run, straight, heading for her.

I’m about 10 metres from her when she finally turns around to face me. I see the recognition in her eyes and my name forms on her lips. I never hear it though because she never gets the chance to say it. What happens next happens to quickly for me to do anything about it, it is one of the things I can have no control over. I can’t save her. The fire envelops her, whipping around her body like a snake closing around its prey. I stop running, dead in my tracks. I can do nothing but stand and watch as my sister dies.

 I jolt awake, breathing heavily, sweat dripping down by body. Another dream, this one is exactly like the others, always ending the same way. I end up reliving Prim’s death over and over again. It’s cruel and painful. Even though the uprising is over I cannot let go of it, the nightmares have become a part of me now and a part of me knows they always will be.

I peel the covers of my body and stare out of the window. It’s light outside and I can hear birds softly singing. I decide to get up, I don’t want to go back to sleep. My dreams are more painful sometimes than reality.

I can hear Buttercup meowing and it drives me up the wall. I can’t deal with it, Prim would know what to do.

‘She’s dead you stupid, stupid Cat! I scream.

‘Meow’ Buttercup continues to moan. Nudging her head against what used to be Prim’s room.

‘If you miss her so much, I’ll take you to her!’ I grab Buttercup around the scruff of her neck, ignoring her meows of protest, claws waving everywhere. I run into the bathroom and immediately begin to the run the taps. Full blast.

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