Night 8

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Night 8: February 21st of sophomore year

The following week, Lucas learned that Maya had broken up with Josh.

Ever since she had kicked him out of her place, things had been different. He knew that his blonde friend was trying to act as if nothing had happened, but whenever they looked at each other, you could practically feel the tension in-between them. Farkle had tried to fix them, he really did, but he failed miserably.

Riley was a bit mad that her best friend had hurt her uncle, especially since she knew how much Maya had wanted to be in a relationship with Josh for so long. The brunette desperately wanted an answer as to why she had broken up with him and Maya would always answer that it just wasn't what she wanted and expected from him.

Lucas needed to know the real reason of her break-up with Josh. He had an idea it had to do with his last visit to her room. He knew that going there drunk could have ended horribly wrong for him, but it was worse than he expected.

That night, he told himself it was fine. He thought he wouldn't remember, or that he would have thought it was a dream. At first, he couldn't piece his night together; did it actually happen, or did he imagine it in his drunken state? Seeing how Maya acted throughout the whole week was enough to tell him that it had actually happened.

He still needed to know.

Which is why, at 4 A.M after no sleep at all for almost 24 hours, he was at her window.

He could see that her bedside table was turned on, and he guessed that the blonde was probably drawing. It seemed that it was all she did, these days. She would barely talk, all she did was draw. When she showed up for class, the only things in her hands were her sketchpad and a couple of pencils. Cory was obviously fed up with her indifferent behavior, but he decided to ignore it - probably because she had hurt his brother.

Maya glanced up from her drawing, feeling someone's eyes on her. She looked at her window and saw Lucas. She jumped a bit and rolled her eyes, reprimanding herself for being scared by Ranger Rick.

He knocked.

She got up and stood in front of the window.

Ever since the kiss, everything was confused in her head. She seriously hoped that he didn't remember, but she knew he did. She knew it wouldn't take him long to put the pieces together, even if he was drunk.

Best case scenario: He doesn't remember and tells her he had a weird dream where they kissed. They laugh it off and everything goes back to the way it was.

Worst case scenario: He remembers and wants to talk about it.

She couldn't take the chance.

She didn't want to take the chance.

Maya shook her head at Lucas. He frowned and knocked again.

"Open up!" She heard him say. She shook her head once more. She could see the pain in his eyes, a disappointed look on his face. She tried telling herself she couldn't, but before she could resist, she opened the window to let him in.

He slipped inside her room and threw his jacket off before pulling her into his arms. She hesitated before hugging him back. The moment lasted for a couple of seconds before she heard the words she dreaded the most right now.

"Should we talk about it?" Lucas asked. The blonde shook her head no, and she heard her friend sigh.

Lucas was well-aware that Maya was going to put off the subject for as long as she could, but he still didn't push her. They sat on her bed in silence and she resumed her drawing, while he lied down and closed his eyes. He knew that dawn was almost there. He figured he could try to get some sleep before school.

No such luck.

And that was the eighth night Lucas knocked on Maya's window.

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