Night 15

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Night 15: October 14th of senior year

To: Shortstack


Did you still want me to come over to work on the project, tonight? (3:13 PM)

To: Huckleberry


Not tonight. I've got a date. (3:30 PM)

To: Shortstack


Are we working on the project tonight? (2:57 PM)

To: Huckleberry


Second date. (3:18 PM)

To: Shortstack


Do you have a third date with that d-bag or can we finally work on our project? (1:45 PM)

To: Huckleberry


He's not a d-bag, and I'm going to Riley's tonight. (4:41 PM)

To: Shortstack


He's the biggest d-bag I know. (4:43 PM)

To: Huckleberry


Then you don't know him at all. (4:44 PM)

Lucas knew very well that Maya was doing her best to avoid him. He also knew that she was going on dates with Charlie just to get him jealous, not because she actually wanted to. Farkle had told him so, and he wanted to believe his best friend for two reasons: One - Farkle wouldn't tell him that just for the hell of it and two - Lucas knew that Charlie was not Maya's type.

He firmly believed that she just wanted to make him jealous.

He needed to know.

It felt like tonight, his usual three knocks on her window were stressing him out. His heart was racing, his palms were sweaty, and he felt nervous. A little too nervous.

When she didn't open, he slid his fingers inside the small opening she would always leave, and he lifted up the window. Once it locked into place, he slid into her dark room and sat on her bed like he would whenever she wasn't there yet. He would wait.

Being in her room alone reminded him of before. When things were easier. He didn't have feelings for her, she didn't have feelings for him and they were just two friends comforting each other. But Lucas knew that that was just a load of bullshit. He suspects that he had liked her even back then, even if he was with Riley, even if he thought they were just friends. His feelings for Maya were the same as before, except that they grew more and more each and every day. Call him a sap all you want, but it was true. He knew he had very strong feelings for the blonde and that he had had them for a while.

The only problem was that he wasn't sure if he could forgive her for what she had done. He knew that she probably never meant to kiss Josh, but it still hurt. He wasn't mad because she had kissed him, he was mad because she had gone M.I.A for a whole week instead of talking to him immediately about it. If the kiss had meant nothing, she would have brushed it off. She wouldn't have gone out of her way to hide it from him.

The light switched on, and he heard a small scream escape Maya's mouth. Lucas turned to her, snapping out of his thoughts, eyes wide.

"What the fuck?!" She yelled out, running her fingers through her hair to calm herself. "You scared me!" She exclaimed, trying to glare at him. Lucas chuckled and he could easily tell that Maya wasn't actually mad. A small smile tugged at her lips and she turned around.

"It's not funny." She said, clearing her throat. Lucas smiled at her. The blonde turned back to him, hands on her hips, her smile faded quickly. "What are you doing here?" She asked in a more serious tone.

"I wanted to talk to you."


Us. "Our school project."

"Lucas," Maya started, sighing. "We can work on it tomorrow. I'm tired."

"But it's due tomorrow." Lucas tried to reason.

"We can ask for an extension! Mrs. Rutherford loves me."

"We're going to lose points!"

"Fine!" The blonde groaned. Lucas smiled in victory. Lucas: 1, Maya: 0. "Where are the things for the project?" Maya asked. Lucas wanted to slap himself so bad.

Lucas: 1, Maya: 1.

"You forgot to bring them."

"Hey. My mind is preoccupied!" Lucas said.

"By what?"

You. Lucas stayed quiet. Maya rolled her eyes, obviously too tired to argue any longer. She grabbed an over-sized t-shirt and a pair of cotton shorts and made her way to the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

"You can sleep over. When we wake up, you can buy me breakfast and we'll go get your stuff for the project." Maya said through the door.

"We have school tomorrow."

"They won't miss us for one or two periods." Maya said, stepping out of the bathroom, smiling. Lucas rolled his eyes at her comment. It was a very Maya-like thing to do, and as much as Lucas hated to admit it, he would do anything to hang out with her. She would never be around, whether it was to hang out or to eat lunch. He wanted to see her more.

God, how he wished he could kiss her right now.

"Earth to Huckleberry." Maya said, snapping her fingers in front of his face. He realized he was staring, and he looked away quickly. The blonde lied on her bed, closing her eyes.

Lucas hesitated. He wanted to ask about Charlie, but he didn't want to seem jealous.

He decided against it.

"Why am I buying you breakfast, again? Who decided that?" Lucas asked, lying next to her.

"I did, and because you love me." Maya grinned. Quickly realizing what she had said, her eyes widened and she stared at the ceiling. An awkward silence filled the room.

A few minutes of silence later, Lucas turned away from her. The two stayed awake most of the night, not talking, just listening to the other breathe, lost in their own thoughts.

And that was the fifteenth night Lucas knocked on Maya's window.

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