Night 12

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A/N I'm so sorry for the next chapter please don't kill me

Night 12: January 30th of junior year

It had been days since Lucas had seen Maya.

She had texted him twice in a week, and she was nowhere to be seen at school. His two friends were both confused as to where Maya was and why she wasn't around. Their blonde friend had been doing great in school, getting rather unusually high results. They had assumed it was because of her new tutor. Riley figured that it probably wasn't because of her school results that Maya had been missing from school, unlike the last time.

The three searched everywhere for her: the art center, the museum, the arcade, Topanga's, and all of her other favorite places to be. They had been to her house every night asking where she was, and Katy's answer was always the same - Maya was out with her tutor, studying.

Lucas didn't understand. He knew Maya hated studying more than she hated anything else, so why would she suddenly focus on her studies? Why would she suddenly cut off all contact with all of her friends? He needed to know.

These questions kept him up at night. So he decided to get some answers.

He stood outside her window at 2 AM, his arms wrapped around himself, trying to keep himself warm. Lucas knocked his usual three knocks and the window opened. He quickly slid inside her room, shutting the window behind him. Contrary to the other nights Lucas spent at her house, all the lights were shut. His girlfriend didn't bother to greet him with a kiss: instead, she sat on her bed and brought her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around her legs. Lucas frowned at her behavior as he took off his coat and boots. He could easily tell that something was wrong.

"Maya?" He asked tentatively, sitting on her bed. He went to put his hand on her shoulder, but she pushed away.

"I don't think you should be here." The blonde said.

"Why not? You haven't been to school all week. You haven't texted me, nor Riley, nor Farkle, and we're all worried. You won't even return my calls, your mother has been lying to us all week instead of telling us where you are, and we want to know what's wrong with you. We want to help." Lucas said. Maya looked away, an unreadable expression on her face. The boy turned to her, sitting crossed-legged on her bed, trying to hold one of her hands. She pushed him away once more.

"Maya..." He started on a softer tone. "Please tell me what's wrong." He demanded.

No answer.

"You're really worrying me."

No answer.

"No matter what the problem is, we can all help you. I can help you."

"You really can't." Maya replied quietly.

"Of course I can. It doesn't matter what happened, I'll always be here for you." He said. She finally looked at him.

"No. You won't. You'll leave like everyone else did." The blonde said.

How could she say a thing like that? She knew him better than that. She should know that Lucas would never, ever do a thing like that. He knew how much she feared being left, how much just the thought of being left hurt her. He was her boyfriend. Her best friend. How could she believe something like that?

"I promise you that I won't." Lucas said, hoping to reassure her. The blonde shook her head, mentioning that he shouldn't make promises he didn't intend to keep, looking away from him once more.

"Maya. Please." He begged. Her blue eyes found his green ones, blank eyes meeting his worried ones. The last time he had seen that blank look in her eyes was when she thought she would lose Riley.

"Josh is my tutor." She said.


"And on Saturday, we kissed."

Silence fell over the room.

Anger took over Lucas. He didn't understand. He didn't want to understand. All he wanted to do was punch Josh in the face for kissing his girlfriend.

He got up, not looking at Maya.

"You were right," He started, his voice dangerously low, anger clouding his thoughts. "People shouldn't make promises they don't intend to keep."

She had promised him. Two people in a relationship shouldn't cheat, being in a relationship meant not being with anyone else.

He couldn't believe it.

"L-Lucas, wait..." Maya tried, but it was too late. Lucas had already put on his boots and his coat, slipping out into the cold night, leaving her window wide open and her heart broken in a thousand little pieces.

That was the twelfth night Lucas Friar knocked on Maya Hart's window.

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