"So I heard you guys already went on a mission, how was it?" Laxus asks, already tired of Gary and Natsu's fights. "It was fairly easy," Venus says. Drinking her beer that Kagami had gotten for her. "Yeah didn't even break a sweat," Kagami says. "You both are S-Class wizards, right? How do you even become one?" Kagami asks. "We have a big test." "Like a exam?" "You could say that." "You were trained from a dragon right Laxus?" Asks Venus."No. I'm a second generation dragon slayer. My father placed a lacerma in me when I was 10." "That young!? You could've died!" Venus yells. "Well my father was a nut job, and didn't care." "Did he go to jail?"Kagami asks. "No. He runs a dark guild. Raven Tail." Kagami spits out her drink. "Your Ivan's son!?!?" Kagami shouts. ".....yeah not really proud of it. Do you know him?" "Do I know him.. of course I do he tried to get me to join his guild and almost brain washed me." "What!?" Which comes from a shocked Erza . Laxus looked a Kagami and studied her. "Why?" Laxus asks Kagami. "For my magic." "Which is?"
"I didn't what to tell anyone yet but oh well. I have God magic."Kagami simply says. "Like god slayer magic?" Erza says. "No, I have power of a holy god. Not just one god but all the different types of gods. So you can basically say I'm the ultimate god slayer. But just don't tell anyone. I was going to tell master, but later on."
Laxus and Erza stare at her. "Join my team for a mission."Laxus looks at Kagami with a serious look. "Why?" I'd like to test your so called god power." "Okay, next month. And I'm coming too." Venus smirks. "Great." Laxus stand to go get more beer. Not before looking at Kagami in the eye and smirks.
"I'm going to get another drink." Kagami smiles at Venus. Venus looking at Kagami already knows what's going on. "So Erza when do you think is a good time to stop those two idiots." Looking at Gray and Natsu, and Gajeel who joined in. "Wanna see how I do it?" And those two go to stop the brawl.
"Mira can I get a rum&coke please." Kagami smiles at mira. "Sure, I'll be right back." Kagami sits next to laxus. "You've must have gone through a lot from my father. I'm sorry." Laxus doesn't look at her but he does frown. "Don't worry about it, trust me. I can honestly understand what a bad father can do to a kid." Then Laxus looks at her with shocked eyes, but Kagami isn't looking at him. 'Her eyes are looking somewhere distant, like her past.' "Can you tell me about him?" She looks him frown, then turns away. "Not yet. Maybe one day, but not yet." Kagami whispers, knowing he can hear her. "I understand."
"Kami!! Let's go on a mission." Venus shouts from the mission board. And within a nano second a smile appeared on Kagami's face. "Alright! Let's do this!" She jumps out of her seat. But turns back to look at Laxus, only to see his eyes on her own brown ones. "Nice talking to you Laxus, I'm glad to know someone who understands me." With a small smile she runs to Venus.
I don't own fairy tail.

Two Princess and Two Dragons
FanfictionLaxus and Natsu find themselves stuck...in love? But is it only love. The past will always come back to haunt. Will fairy tail be strong enough for another adventure? Or will they crash and burn. *first times using OC's* Thank you