The Vlue of Friendship

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Friendship is a divine word. Treasure it! Crave for it in life if you don’t have one. Try to search out the one. Like our guiding stars they are always around us. We need to have an eye to search the one out from
 crowd. If you already have someone likewise, nothing like that. Value him the most. If not, he is somewhere around. Figure him out!

            Most of us have friends and anyone can have one. But what is friendship? Friendship is the relationship between friends and that creates closeness and bonds. We all have different definitions of a friend, but for me a friend can be defined as a companion that is always there. Giving his shoulder to comfort you, helping to resolve your problem and making you smile when they notice that you are sad, a friend that ready to hear out your ups and downs stories regard to his life.

            When we first met them, we are rivals and strangers with each other. After a lot time we just felt that friendship is urging within us without any word, there are times that gestures were just enough to create a friendship that could withstand any challenges that could come in our way.

            The value of a friend is priceless; no one can ever buy the effort that they exert to make their friends the happiest persons in the world. It is hard to find a real friend; sometimes it needs a due process and time to have one. Sometimes, friendships arise from some conflicts that we encounter such as arguments and misunderstanding but if we could just overcome all of those a greater bond between friends could be obtained and, thus, a stronger and better friendship would eventually arise. Whatever the outcome it may impose, acceptance of each other’s view is a must to build a harmonious relationship between friends, for without acceptance; friendship would not exist at all.

            Friendship is a give and take relationship for sometimes we need to be a friend to be able to gain one. We need to watch each other’s back to gain trust and establish such relationship. Friendships are forever and thus we should value our friends like a diamond that could withstand anything that would come to its way. The value of friendship cannot be described by a single word instead we should find it within ourselves and be able to grow it by sharing with others. We should let friendship grow even if we are apart, thus communication is always important to feel a presence of care, a care of a valuable friendship.

Friendship is a relation which is as tender as a new born baby. Which is always pure and a bundle of joy which only needs more and more nourishment to grow, which is tons of love and compassion from both ends. Never ignore your friends or take them for granted. You may come across various people at various phases of life. Many may pretend to be your friend. Many may appear to be glorious apparently. But never go by the outward glitter.

A true friend will not only be beside you when your life is a rosy one. Rather when you are passing through a tormenting phase, if you can find someone beside you He is only a genuine friend. Love of your friend will always be unconditional. They may expect nothing from you but shower their love to you always...

“I feel very lucky to know someone who is so hard for me to say goodbye.” but I guess This is really not a goodbye but yet it's just a practice of it for you.. Because now I can Imagine Leaving you but I don't want to say goodbye but i would rather use the (Italian wor

“Memories may be beautiful and yet what’s too painful to remember we simply choose to forget. So it’s the laughter we’ll remember when we remember the way we were.”

Maybe it hard the hardest part is saying goodbye, leaving them like nothings really wrong.. it's just that it seems very Unreasonable for you to tell the truth, to tell them what you really feel but maybe it's the best way for you and also for them.. for them to Forget you easily and to go on their life without you..
But yes.. Goodbye is very Painful unless you're never going to say hello Again..

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