31. Lethal

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Natalie's POV:

The entire room was cold and it sent shivers down my spine. My sight became foggy and it was hard for me to see through the curtains. I tried to pull the curtains and suddenly I lost my step and crashed into the wall clutching those heavy curtains in my hands. But I felt like someone pushed me. So I quickly ran to her and carefully lifted her from the crib.

I remember closing the window beside her crib but now it was open and cold wind was gushing from it. I left the room with her and I slowly reached Regan who was still sleeping not aware of his surroundings.

I tried hard to wake him up but he lay still. So I went to warn Justin. He was still feeling sloppy of his hangover but as soon as he saw the gun in my hand, he became alert. I told him about Kenny's warning and we both rushed down to Regan.

Ariadne was still asleep in my hands. I was feeling thirsty so I drowned myself with a bottle of water before I splash some cold water in his face. He woke up confused and he was shaking vigorously. So I quickly dialled emergency as none of us was steady enough to drive the car. As we reached there I was surprised to see Kenny Standing in the lobby. I carefully lifted her carriage out and soon Justin and Regan was taken into ER while I went to talk with Kenny.

"What is going on?" I asked him.

"Jennifer is feeling sick. They said she was poisoned", he said sadly.

"What? Who poisoned her?" I asked trembling.

"She was alright. It was not lethal but still it has some adverse effect", he said.

"How did this happened?" I asked.

"They took her for screening test and said the food she digested was poisoned. But she didn't had anything after we left Justin's place", he said.

"What? So someone poisoned our food? so is the reason we all feeling sick" I asked.

"Maybe yes, that's why I called you Nate. It's not safe there. Think of the baby. I think someone is targeting Justin", he said.

I thought for a second. "Maybe Ariadne, they wanted him to feel the pain alive. If they want him dead then he is dead already", I said.

Kenny nodded.

"So then we all must be poisoned. What about the baby?" I said.

"Yeah, I went through screening. You better hurry up while I take care of her", he said.

"Do you have any water with you? For some reason I feel thirsty recently", I said.

Quickly he fished a bottle full of water from his backpack. After taking a generous amount of water, I went in for test.

After giving a good amount of blood and urine sample, I was asked to take a medication to slow down the poison in my system.

"You are with those officers in the ER, right?" asked a nurse who gave me my medication.

"Yeah, we are colleagues", I said.

"You must be lucky to have such hot guys as colleagues", she said and smiled.

"Yeah, one of them is my boyfriend", I said to her sternly.

She looked at me awkwardly and excused herself quickly.

Later I went to visit them in the ER. As I was walking towards them, I saw the same nurse talking and drooling at them.

"Bitch", I cursed her.

Justin saw me coming and eyed Regan.

"Emergency evac", Justin said nervously.

"What?" the nurse asked confused but as soon as she saw me she went away without looking back.

"I thought you were poisoned by the food I cooked but here I see you are poisoned by the nurse", I said.

"Nate, she was just fascinated by his detective skills", Regan said pointing to Justin.

"I hope not", I said.

"She just came to me smiling and asked me to show my badge and I did. It's not like..." Regan said.

"Seriously guys, you two are acting like a teenage couple", Justin laughed.

Suddenly a male doctor in his early fifties came to visit them.

"Your wound is pretty bad. I am sure it was a nasty bullet wound", the doctor said to Regan.

"Yeah, I had a chasing bad guys last night and it didn't end well", he said.

"I hope so, but you guys were all poisoned by your lunch so any idea of how it might be", he asked.

"Nope", we all said.

He eyed us suspiciously "I am not buying your theory because the poison was almost untraceable in your system and whoever did this must be very knowledgeable, so I suggest you to be careful the next time", he said.

"So you can't tell us exactly what the poison is?" Justin asked.

"I will try my best  but I can't tell the exact substance plus you have consumed only a little amount of it", he said.

He checked on Justin and asked him to move away as he was stable now but Regan has to stay there to treat his wound.

"Where is my girl?" Justin asked.

"She was taken for few tests. Kenny is with her", I said.

"Is she poisoned like us?" Regan asked sadly.

"We don't know yet. She seems fine and I hope she will be", I said.

So we two left the place and went to lobby to have some drink. As we reached there we saw Kenny standing at the corner with the baby. He seemed nervous and searching something in his phone.

"Are you alright man? You seemed a bit paled", Justin asked Kenny.

"Yeah, I was carried away in my phone. How about you?" he said.

"I was fine. We all have the same symptoms but luckily we consumed a little amount. Otherwise it would be lethal", Justin said.

"How is Jennifer?" I asked.

"She has some kind of allergic reaction to that poison so she is under IV", he said.

"Why do you say someone was in the house when you called me?" I asked him.

Suddenly he became nervous. "I...I thought that the intruder who poisoned as was watching you guys", he said.

I nodded.

"It's not safe there for Ariadne anymore", I said to Justin.

"Yeah, I was just thinking of that", Justin said.

"Better come to my home. My mom will take care of her for a while until we clear this issue. Soon I will find a nanny for her", I said.

"If she was there then I lead the killer straight to your house", he said.

"Regan will be there for her. Please don't risk her life anymore", I said.

Justin was silent for a moment then he nodded.


Kenny's POV:

As they were talking, I was busy in my phone wondering who might have texted me about the poison. But I was sure somebody was stalking us.


Later a young nurse was seen entering the restroom. After sometime she was seen leaving the restroom in a completely different dress. She kept avoiding the security cameras and moved away quickly.


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