45. A Fish Out Of Water

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Sophie's POV:

For the last half an hour, I was busy thinking whether he would make it or not. But if I sit here thinking all the night, it won't yield any good. I can't afford to lose him.

It's the least thing I ever expect in my life. Many people suffered their fates in his hands and I won't let him die of him.

I will go to the end of the world to save him. I would deal with the devil rather than see her bury her father.

I will protect her no matter what. Losing her parents in such a young age was a nightmare. I won't let her alone in her life. She needs him.

Justin was lying there because of me, but I know somewhere deep down in his conscious he is fighting for her and he will survive.

Yes, he loves Ariadne more than he ever thought and that makes his heart beat even if the bullet plunges it.

Ariadne needs him and he will be there for her and I have to be there for him now. I failed Claire and I would never give up on Justin.

I got many things on my hands right now. James is missing and I know he is safe with the police but I need to send him a message. And more importantly, I need to keep it safe for her. I need to move it somewhere secret so that no one will ever lay their hands on it.

On top of all that, I am hungry like a hell. I need to eat something before I go on my mission. I checked my clock. It was 1:12 in the morning.

I served myself a classic early breakfast and after that I gathered everything I needed and I headed out.

The weather was cold and the harsh wild breeze hit the door with a loud thud. As my engine roared, I hit the silent road with my theme song playing on the background.

"Hang in there Justin, I am coming for you".


Justin's POV:

I feel alone in the cold of darkness. All the roads were empty and it feels lifeless. I was walking right there at the emptiness.

My heart felt hollow, that's when I remember the shooting. I was shot and I am pretty sure I was dead. That hit me like a hell.


I heard someone calling me. I turned around and there she was beautiful as a goddess, pure as a gem.


"Justin, you have to breathe...breathe"

"You have to go. Take care of our daughter. Fight for her baby..."

"Claire, I love you and I am so sorry"

"I will always love you baby. Now wake up... breathe harder..."

"Claire, I miss you..."

"I love you Justin"

Slowly she vanished into a bright flash of light. I feel like I was flying.


Natalie's POV:

"He is going down", nurse yelled.

"Come on, come on... one, two, three...30"

"Come man, fight for me..." Kenney yelled.

"One, two, three....90"

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