Chapter 44

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Kezia entered the house avoiding Liam's question. She wasn't going to go through this shit again.

"Hey I'm talking to you here!"
Kezia kissed her teeth.

"Liam I got no time for your shit so fuck off!"

She stormed up the stairs clearly pissed off. She entered her room and unfortunately for her forgot to lock it. So in stormed Liam with a pissed off expression.

"What's your deal!?"

She scoffed at his question. He have got to be kidding me.
She thought.

"My deal! My deal! Your the one who's bringing all your problems! And then your making me feel as if I'm the bad person!"

She was ready to release all the anger he caused her to have. She started pacing around frantically.

"Tell me one thing that I've done wrong since I've been living here!Tell me!"

Liam was quiet and it enfuelled her anger.

"What cat got your fucking tongue or you've suddenly gone deaf in your two fucking ears!"

"Look Im sorry okay I " he paused as if he was struggling to say something.
"I just got a little jealous that all these guys were around you and I admit that I didn't handle it any better"

Kezia didn't know whether to give in or keep up the tough girl look,so she kissed her teeth.

"Like I'm suppose to believe that and run into your arms and then you can take advantage of me. I don't think so"

He face palmed himself and let out a frustrated groan.

"Kez I'm really trying here"

"Trying where I don't see you trying"

"You know what I'm done because I'm really trying and its clearly pointless"

He was about to open her door until Maria stepped in.

"Oh no you don't, its too early to be giving up"

"But I tried –"

"Then try harder!"

Liam groaned.

"I already told her sorry and she didn't accept it. What am I suppose to do now?"

"You start to show it son. You can't just say your sorry and expect someone to just believe it. You gotta prove it child"

"Prove it by doing what?"

"By not questioning her when she leaves to go out. Stop treating her like crap and stop trying to jealous her with that asshole of a girlfriend!"

"But she could at least tell me where she goes . I wanna make sure she's safe"

"I understand that but the way you say it says elsewhere"

"OK I'll stop"

Kezia was shocked. He actually gave up and admitted that he was wrong.

"You'll stop?"

"Yeah I'll stop and treat her better from here on out"

"You better cuz the next time I see you putting her through these crap I'll beat your ass with the broom stick"

Maria joked trying to put some humor into the conversation.

Liam shook his head laughing and then he looked at her.

"So truce?"

Kezia was afraid they might end up where they started but she had to put her trust in him that he would treat her better.

She nodded her head and he walked over to her.

He lowered himself down to her stomach and then looked up at her.

"May I?"

She nodded. Deep within she wanted to cry. Simply because this was the first time he ever had a bond with his unborn child.

"Hey big's your dad, I just wanted to let you know that I'm sorry for treating you ablnd your mother this way"

Kezia didn't know that tears were coming down until she felt it touch her cheeks. She quickly wiped them away and waited until liam was done.

"Okay guys I'm beat so if you'll excuse me I'm gonna have a shower"

Maria left and soon after he followed.

She quickly shower for her bed was calling her and she was way too tired to do anything.

As soon as she had hit the bed her eyes closed.

All she could've thought about was that today had actually gone well .

And she hoped that he would keep his promise.


Soooo who would have though that Liam would have stopped being an asshole. I thought about it and I realized that he needed to stop his shit.
Anyway prepare yourself cuz its gonna have more drama coming your way. Not now at least.......

Until then

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