Chapter 89

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"Liam baby don't listen to anything that bitch has to say"

Her persuading were in vain as Liam stared​ at the phone in shock. She tried to come at him again but he raised his hand up silencing her.

"I said shut the fuck up !"

His harsh words fueled something inside of her. If only she didn't scratch the rascal of a child everything would have gone to plan and her family's bank account​ would have been over flowing. She needed to act fast or her father would have her head on a silver platter.

"Um uh–"

"Ok I'm​ tired of hearing this bitches voice I wanna break those fingers"

Liam spoke up after Kia's words.

"There will be no more fighting​ in my house"

He interjected sending her a glare.

"Liam! Your missing the point here this woman along with her sister is after your money open your damn eyes and see "

"Pack your ​shit you leave in 20 minutes"

He told Nicole.

"I'm not leaving this is all a lie! she set me just like how she trapped you with that ugly shit!"

"You call my grandson that again and I'll make sure you leave the Earth"

Nicole rolled her eyes and ignored Nadia continuing to puppy dog eye Liam.

"Liam I have no where to go my house got burnt down remember?"

"Bitch I don't want to hear you there's the door and there's your car​ and you better play weight lifter cuz I'm not carrying shit"

She pulled at her blonde hair in fustration. Some of it even coming out in her hands. How could that one​ tiny slip make everything her parents along with Natalie plan go to waste? If only her jealousy didn't get the best of her. She was this close and that bitch just had to show him that video.

"Liam what ever happen to communication–"


His shouts had her immediately silent.

Kia looked at her red nails not giving a fuck as Nicole walked around her to go up the stairs. Maria was sure to give her a disgusted look and cursed at her.

"La mierda! Hódeté! Puta!"

"Nicole I'm not repeating myself​ get out my fucking house!"

Nadia shook her head in disbelief at both Liam and Nicole.

"W-what​ are you doing?"
Fear was present on Nicole's face when Nadia took out her phone and said.

"I'm calling your brother and as for you"
She pointed at Nicole.
"Natalie, your parents and whoever can say bye bye to your dirty plans"

Kezia looked at Damiun and smiled. He looked at her weirdly.

"Why are you giving me that look?"

It took her her a while to reply due to all of the commotion​ happening at the moment.

"We're all finally free from both Nicole and Natalie and I can kill her now"

He laughed lightly but stopped when she had a serious face on.

"Your not laughing"


"Your serious"


"Your gonna kill her"

"Don't act surprised I have it out for that bitch​"

"Kez baby listen to me you can't kill her "


"Because orange does not look good on you"

She punched him in his arm letting out a laugh.

"Arite I won't kill her......... for​ now"

She mut​tered the last part to herself.

All eyes averted to the suit cases that was thrown down the stairs followed by Sour Nicole.

They watched as she struggled to carry the suit cases on her own. Liam sighed and held out his hand .

"Oh thank goodness–"

"The ring Nicole"

She cursed under her breath and handed him the ring. She carried one of her suit cases to the front door and slowly opened it.

"Oh and one more thing Nicole​.... it was a pleasure burning down your house"

Kia gave her a fake smile.

She Huffed and swung the door open.

there were three suit cases left and Liam took two of them​ and threw them out side. Maria did the honour of throwing out the last one making sure to get some of the clothes ​out on the front lawn. She dusted her hands and slammed the door.

" The weight has been lifted off our shoulders"

"Ok I'm going home now"

Kia said and Blake followed after.

"Let's go Damiun"

Liam called out to her.


"I just wanna say that I'm sor–"

She held her hand up silencing him.

"It's too late to apologize........ let's just go"

She closed her eyes when they settled in to the car replaying it all over.
The drama was finally over.


Guess who's back. Got like three more exams before I can start updating regular again


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