Chapter 86

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"Mummy mummy I drew something for loggie bear!"

After hours of hard core sex she lay tiredly on the sofa. She didn't even realise that time had quickly fled as she heard Skai's voice.

"You did? And you didn't draw anything for me"

Skai giggled as she took the drawing out of her bag.

It took everything in Kezia to not laugh.

"What's this sweetie?"

"That's loggie bear"

The thought of Skai atleast trying made her smile even though it looked like a rat with rabies.

"That's nice Hun I'll hang it up on the fridge"

Damiun came down awhile later with a towel wrapped around his waist.

She left the two while they chatted up and dialed Maria's number.
It felt weird being away from her baby this long.

"Heyyy.......OK you caught me how's Logan.......Oh he's sleeping with Liam I hope......OK I'll call back in the next 10 minutes......OK the next hour....Bye"

She hung up and then went back to the pair who were talking.

"Babe did Skai tell you what happened in her school today?"

"No What happened?"

"Tre is what happened"

She gave a confused look.

"Skai got boyfriend"

Her eyes widened in realization.

"What! How did this happen?"

"Tre asked me and he cute so I said yes"

"Does Tre parents know of this?"

Skai shrugged her shoulders innocently.

"We gonna get married"

She showed them her ring pop on her finger.

Kezia didn't See anything of it when Skai had first come home but now she realized why she had it on.

"Well damn mah own daughter gonna get hitched before me"

They all laughed.

"I'll be right back I'm gonna check up on Logan"

Before she could take one step Damiun stopped her.

"Oh no your not"

"But I miss him"

She whined.

"He'll be here in a few hours"

She nodded her head and sat back down.

Meanwhile back at Liam's house Maria stuck to her word watching Nicole's everymove when she was around Logan jr.
She smiled when she saw father and son bonding and she happily went back to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

"Maria can you go down to the grocery store and get these list of things please?"

Liam handed her a list of grocery things and she watched him with a look when she realized Logan was with him.

"Where's Logan?"

"Oh Nicole's changing him"

"You little mierda you know Kezia doesn't want her around Logan"

"What she doesn't know won't kill her besides she has that ass hole around my son it's only fair"

It was really tempting Maria to hit Liam in the head with the rolling pin but she didn't . She simply gave him a strict look and got her handbag and left.

Liam came out of the kitchen and went upstairs to check on them. He saw Nicole coming down with a crying Logan.

"What's wrong buddy?"

Nicole looked at Logan.

"I think um he dislikes getting changed"

Liam laughed and took his son from in her arms.

"Let's get you buckled in the car"

He gave Nicole one last kiss and closed the front door behind him. He buckled Logan in and placed his bag on the front seat.
The drive was almost forty minutes to her and Damiun's place and he sighed in relief when he parked in their driveway. Logan was crying up a storm in his car.

Kezia looked through her window and saw Liam coming out the car with her son. She opened her door and noticed her son crying.

"Why's he crying?"

"He's probably cranky "

Cranky? She Thought.

Her son never got cranky he was always a laughing baby. She thought perhaps this was his first time getting cranky.

She took her son and his bag and told liam goodbye.

Placing him in his crib upstairs she left him and went back to making dinner. His cries were nonstop and she groaned.

She decided maybe he needed a bath. Yeah that'd do the trick! She thought. Up the stairs she went and took him from his crib .She took off his onsie and then his diaper. Her movements froze when she saw his possible reason for his behavior. Their was a scrape on his pubic bone along with his diaper rash cream which on it which maybe was giving him that pain.



Sorry for the wait guys. Had lots of stuff to do and couldn't find the time to write up an update but I got time now. Do you guys agree with Liam's statement when he said "What she doesn't know won't kill her besides she has that ass hole around my son it's only fair"?

Well you guys know what to do.

This book will be edited when I'm finally finished with it.


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