Chapter 74

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"I swear he's gonna get it and real good too"

Damiun said as he started the car.

"This is all my mom's fault"

She sighed and layed her head against the window. By now Liam had already went inside and Kezia was happy that srcidnt have to see his face anymore for a while.

"I'm soo tired"

"I'll take you up when we get home"

Kezia nodded and started to doze off.

Damiun didn't wake her up in fact he carried her all the way inside and layed her on the bed. She looked way too peaceful for him to wake her up. He gently kissed her forehead and left their bedroom closing the door behind him. Skai was downstairs playing with her dolls and Damiun took that time to get everything out of the trunk. He kissed his teeth when he remembered how Liam unpacked everything. That fucking asshole! He thought.
How could he possibly treat the mother of his child in times like this.

After placing everything on the couch in the living room he suddenly remembered what he was supposed to do today. With time to spare he called Skai who took rather long in his opinion.

"You wanna go on a trip with daddy?"

Skai nodded her head furiously.

"Let's go"

Skai took her daddy's hand and they left the house.
Damiun put her in her car seat and then he entered the car. He took one look at himself in the mirror and decided on doing it for awhile.

It was time for a change. He thought.

He drove over to the nearest Barber and parked his car.

"Ok Skai let's go"

They entered the barber shop and he immediately saw his bro Lamar.

"Yo Lamar"

Lamar smiled when he saw his friend.

"Aye D how's it going I haven't seen you in awhile"

They did their handshake and Lamar smiled at Skai.

"Your getting big Skai"


"So what brings you here?"

Damiun ran his hands through his hair.

"Well I came for a trim"

Lamar coughed on air. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Damiun Moore the guy who swore he was never gonna cut an inch of his hair is gonna trim it? Man this is something new"

"I know right but I'm tired of it and decided y'know to get a trim"

Lamar oat his shoulder.

"Don't worry bro I'll fix you up good"

Damiun smiled and sat on one of the chairs it had for people who were currently waiting.

There was no doubt that Kezia was gonna be pissed when she saw that his hair was missing.

"I'm ready man"

Damiun got up and told Skai to play with her dolls while he got his trim. He made sure to keep an eye on her while he sat on the chair.

"This is really happening"

Lamar replied with a simple yup before getting started on his head.

Lamar turned the chair when he was done and handed him a mirror.

"What do you think man?"

Damiun passed his hands through his non existent hair and smiled.


"Don't worry about paying you mah homie"

"Thanks man"

They did their handshake again and Damiun called Skai and they left.

"Daddy where your hair at?"

Damiun chuckled.

"Gone Skai. We're gonna stop out at one more place ok?"


Damiun drove off and not too long did he park his car near a jewelry store.

"Come on Skai"

He unbuckled Skai and carried her to the store.

"Good afternoon sir how may I help you?"

"I'm here to pick out an engagement ring"

He whispered the last part so Skai couldn't hear him. The man caught on and nodded.

"Right his way sir we have the finest ones here"

Damiun walked over to where the man was at and he looked at all the rings. But one caught his eye and he knew that it was the one.
Ignoring the price he pointed at the ring.

"I'll have this one"

The man nodded and Damiun handed him his credit card.

"I'll come pick it up sometime next week"

"Yes sir"

"Daddy why are we here?"

Damiun cursed under his breath when he remembered that Skai was with him.

"Well daddy wanted to get you a bracelet"

The man caught on and took out a box .

"Which ones do you like sweetheart?"

Skai eyed the pink one and pointed at it.

"She'll have the pink one and I'll buy the gold one"

Damiun handed him his credit card again and he placed the bracelet on Skai's hand and the other one in a bag.


Damiun took his credit card and the bag  and took Skai's hand who was in fascinated with her bracelet.

Damiun couldn't help but wonder how Kezia would react to his new haircut.


I don't know how I ended up with this idea but here you go. Still can't believe he cut his hair😭😭😭

Pic of him now at the top.

Love you guys💋💜💋💜💋

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