Part 4

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He had instructed you to find him if HYDRA ever started coming after you. It took them two years to start, but when they did, you immediately tried to locate Bucky. It took you a couple of days to find him, but after a lot of searching, and skillfully hacking into secure databases, you found him in Romania. You took the next plane there, under an alias of course. You didn't want HYDRA to find the both of you because you used your name to purchase a plane ticket.

You looked around the marketplace to find Bucky. The crowd was bustling and everyone was saying things in a language that you couldn't understand. Then you spotted him. He kind of stuck out in the crowd, but no one seemed to mind. His long brown hair was peeking out from underneath his baseball cap as he bought groceries from one of the stands.

You crossed the street to make it over to him. He put one more tomato in the plastic bag as he turned around.

"Hey, soldier." you said.

His head shot up and he locked eyes with you.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" he asked.

"You told me to find you if HYDRA ever came after me." you answered.

"Oh, yea. I just figured that since it's been two years they might not have bothered you at all."

"Well, they started a couple days ago. And now here I am." you said with a smile.

"Then, how about we head home cause I've got everything I came for." he said and began to walk towards his apartment.

The two of you stepped inside his small apartment. You looked around at what would be your new home, at least for now. Bucky set down his plastic grocery bags on the kitchen counter.

"You can take the mattress." he said and motioned toward the full-size spring mattress on the ground in front of the couch with a sleeping bag and a pillow at the head.

"Where are you gonna sleep?" you asked.

"The couch." he replied while putting groceries in the refrigerator.

"Oh, you don't have to do that." you said.

"It's fine. I don't really sleep much anyway." he said with a wave of his hand. "Make yourself at home." he said with a smile.

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