Part 3

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"Yes sir?" you asked as you stepped into the large Cryo room.

"Ah, yes, Miss y/l/n. We need you to oversee the new recruits being put into Cryo freeze. We have sedated them so that we can do this." he explained.

"Of course." you replied and began to supervise the freezing.

Each one went smoothly. When you were done, you started to head back to your room.

"Agent." someone called. You stopped and turned back around. "We would like you to do something for us." he said.

"What would you like me to do?" you asked.

"We think that, so far, you have been the best caretaker for the asset. We would like to keep you as long as possible. We have some more supersoldier serum ready and waiting in the test room, if you don't mind."

You didn't know how to react, but you began to make your way there. You knew that the words "if you don't mind" meant "do it or your dead."

You sat on one of the beds there and they began to pump the serum into your system, which was painful. It felt like an eternity before it was over, but once it was, they sent you back to your room. Your muscles felt as though they were going to burst from underneath your skin.

You shut the door and fell back against it. The soldier stood from his seat and came over to you.

"Are you alright?" he asked, concerned that something might have happened to you.

"I'm fine. I'm just sore." you said.

"From what?" You could see in his face that he thought one of the rogue agents had tried to take you out.

"They gave me the serum because they think that I'm the best caretaker for you and they don't want to loose me." you answered.

"Oh." he sighed.

"Yea, I know." you stood and walked over to a chair. You winced as you slowly sat down.

"You sure your okay?" he asked again.

"Yea, I'll be fine." you said and sighed.

He came over and knelt in front of you. His eyes were filled with worry and compassion. He knew pain, even more than you. You were the only person that he could be human with. Everyone else thought of him as a tool, a weapon. They never stopped to think that he might have feelings and emotions, which made you wonder if they had any. It made your heart break to think of that. In that moment, you promised yourself that you would do whatever it takes to keep him safe, and maybe later, even make him happy.

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