Part 8

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You moaned as you came back to conciousness. You were laying against the corner of a large warehouse and your left arm layed across your stomach.  You slowly and painfully pushed yourself up into a sitting position. Sam Wilson stood in the doorway. You moaned again when a sharp pain pierced your arm. You looked down at it. It looked okay, probably just sprained. With the way that you can heal, it would probably be gone by morning. Sam turned and looked in your direction, then began to come towards you.

"You okay?" he aksed as he squatted down next to you.

"Yea." you sighed. Sam pulled you up to your feet. "Where's Bucky?" you asked, you're head spinning slightly.

"He's in here." he replied and helped you into the other room.

Bucky sat leaning against a solid metal post with his left arm stuck in the middle of it. You hobbled over and knelt down in front of him. You immediately went into caretaker mode and checked to see if he was okay. His pulse was steady and the bruise on his head seemed to be healing just fine. You pushed back the few strands of hair that were dangling in his face. Carefully, you took his head in your hands and kissed his forehead. His eyes lightly fluttered open as he quietly moaned.

"Mm, y/n?" he muttered.

He lifted his head and looked up at you. You smiled at him to let him know that you were okay.

"Good morning, Soldier." you said.

His face suddenly melted into something of confusion.

"What is it?" you asked, concerned.

"I-I remember!" he exclaimed.

Your smiled returned. "Really?" you asked.

He nodded and a smile spread across his face as well.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Bucky Barnes." you said.

"You too, y/n y/l/n." he returned.

"Hey, Cap!" Sam called.

Steve jogged into the room and you stood from your crouched position.

"Steve." Bucky sighed in relief.

"Which Bucky am I talking to?"

Bucky paused. "You're mom's name was Sarah. You used to wear newspapers in your shoes." he answered.
((more of the dialogue))

"Cause I'm not the only Winter Soldier." Bucky said.

Steve and Sam both looked up at you for an answer. You nodded your head.

"Where are they?" Bucky asked you.

"Still in Siberia. They didn't want them accidentally getting loose if we ever sent them on a mission." you answered.

"So there are five people in Cryo freeze in Siberia?" Steve asked.

"Yea. It's probably best." you replied with a shrug.

"To have five human beings trapped in ice in the middle of no where?"

"They might be human beings, but they were definately heartless. We didn't have to brainwash them to make them kill." you said.

Steve and Sam began to discuss things between the two of them, so you decided to release Bucky's arm.

"You okay?" you asked as you knelt down in front of him again.

"Yea." he replied.

"Don't worry. We'll stop this guy." you reassured him.

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