Part 7

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As you walked back to the office where you would find Steve and Sam, the lights went out and began to flash red. You immediately sprinted for the office, but it was empty, except for Agent Sharon Carter.

"Sharon! Where are they? What happened?" you asked.

"It's the doctor. We can't trust him. He's the one that blew up the meeting in Vienna just so that he could meet with Barnes." she explained.

The blood drained from your face. You had to figure out what was happening and going to happen. The doctor wanted to get to Bucky, so he must have had something awful planned. Then it hit you, his trigger words. But whenever his trigger words were used, it wouldn't necessarily brainwash him, so he would remember you. You knew that Bucky must be gone by now, so you tried to figure out what it next move would be. Leave. To get back to base. Now that you knew that, you needed to figure out how he would make his escape. There were too many people to leave by foot. He always did his best to leave as little collateral damage as possible. So the only other option would be by air.

You took off to the roof to try and stop him before he would leave. You flew up the stairs and shoved open the big door to the roof. There he was, opening the door to the helicopter.

"Soldier!" you called.

He stopped and turned around. "Y/n, what are you doing here?" he asked.

"Trying to stop you. You need to come with me." you tried to explain.

"What?" he asked confused.

Suddenly, the door to the roof opened and Steve Rogers stepped through.

Bucky turned around and opened the door. "Get in." he commanded and began to push you toward the helicopter. Not knowing what was happening, you stepped inside, but then you stopped.

"No, wait!" you cried as Bucky shut the door and started flying the helicopter. "What are you doing?!" you shouted.

Suddenly, the helicopter stopped moving. Bucky looked out the window to see Steve trying to hold back the helicopter. Bucky jerked the joystick to the left and caused it to crash back on the landing pad. You gripped the handle on the side to keep yourself from falling. After it stopped moving, you looked outside to see if Steve was okay. He slowly rose from the ground, but Bucky threw his metal fist through the glass and began to strangle him.

"Soldier! Stop!" you cried.

The helicopter began to creak and you could feel gravity begin to pull it over the edge of the landing pad. Bucky wouldn't let go of Steve, even when the helicopter began to fall. And that was the last thing you remembered.

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