Chapter 2

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Haley couldn't believe that Jax just walked into her apartment and laid down in her bed, not even asking if he could, what a jerk. She sat on the edge of the bed since he was in the middle he looked so different, his once long hair was short and scruffy she liked it. Could she of really been that drunk last night that she called Teller to come get her? There was no way. Although she didn't even remember how she got home and was surprised that she even made it home in one piece. She felt queazy and her head hurt she wanted to lay back down, this was all too much to process, since it was just a studio apartment she had no choice but to pull the covers back and lay down in the bed next to Jax who instantly snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her closer inhaling the scent of coconut that was imbedded in her hair, the same shampoo she's used since she was younger. Haley laid stiff as a board as Jax pulled her tighter to him

"Just relax Lee, I'm just tired I want to sleep" he whispered in her ear causing shivers to run down her spine as she relaxed in the arms of the man she once knew

Haley woke up a few hours later still wrapped in the arms of Jax, she loosened her grip and attempted to slip out of bed when he pulled her back in

"Just five more minutes Lee. Please" he grumbled, that was always his way to cuddle for just a few more minutes

"Five and that's it I'm hungry" she pouted

"Mmhmm me too what you cooking?" Jax asked with his eyes still closed

"Nothing, you know I don't cook Jax I'm going to go down to the twenty four hour deli and get me a grinder, since someone let me sleep till midnight" Haley said rubbing her finger over Jax's ring on his finger

"Well someone called me at four and said she wanted me to come get her drunk ass" Jax laughed

"I was pretty drunk and im sorry for making you drive all the way here, I'm sure your a busy guy" Haley said rolling over to face him his eyes looked hurt and soulless

"No, I'm not busy I was laying in bed" Jax said touching Haley's face

"Tell me what's going on in that head of yours" Haley asked running her hand over Jax's clean hair cut

"Just got alot going on Lee, nothing to worry you about" Jax smiled

"Im always worried about you Jax" Haley smiled

"Same here Lee, but you wanted me to stay away" Jax said trying to search her eyes

"I know and I'm sorry I never should of said those things Jax" Haley said closing her eyes trying to forget the past

Haley pulled away from Jackson as he grabbed her arm to stop walking away from him

"Jax just leave me alone, you've done enough damage for one day" Haley said wriggling out of his strong grip again Jax wasn't normally like this with her, he had always been soft hearted towards her when she was with someone else

"Lee, you have to understand why I did this, you don't deserve to be treated like that" jax said

"What do you know Jax huh? Your always too busy with Tara to realize things, what we had back home was good and you ruined it not me" Haley said

"Lee, I love you" Jax said desperately

"No Jax you like the idea of loving me, you don't actually love me, you enjoy that I'm always there to be your crutch for your feelings because I make you forget" Haley said, Jax knowing she was right him and Haley may have been together on and off in the past few years but he could never bring himself to tell her he loved her because she was his crutch, she was his whole world

"Your right Lee but jeez look at what your doing to yourself, falling in love in college you should be focusing on your studies not some guys dick" Jax spat

Haley pulled her head back "don't do that you don't get to criticize me about what i do Jax when you and i slept together for years and i always had to hide in the shadows. Always put on the back burner but when I told you how I felt you pushed me away so don't" Haley said

"Lee, you don't love me. Its just a little crush" Jax said trying to to relive the past when all's he would do was push her further and further away from him

"Your right I don't love you. I hate you. You ruined my feelings for love" Haley said walking away and then stopping, she turned around "I hate you Jackson, just leave me alone and don't contact me again" she said as she tried to hold back the tears as she walked away 

Haley closed her eyes as she remembered telling Jax to stay away from her, she could feel his eyes burning on her skin before she opened them

"I'm sorry Lee, I was stupid all those years ago to just let you walk away" Jax said rubbing her cheek with his thumb

"Me too Jax. I should of never left" Haley whispered

"I meant what I said back then Lee, i do love you, I always have. Your my Lee" Jax smiled

Haley smiled back at him knowing he was the only person to ever be allowed to call her Lee

"Jax, you've always known how I felt I've always told you from the start" Haley bit her lip

Jax closed the small gap between them "you know that drives me insane when you do that" Jax whispered his lips grazing hers as he spoke

"I do" Haley mustered out before Jax's lips crashed into hers.

Panting Jax rolled off of Haley and pulled her to his side, she was different then the last time they made love almost five years ago, more experienced then she was the last time. Haley played with his necklace that was around his neck, the same one that she and Opie wear as well. It was a bullet from the first gun that John and Piney shot from, this bonded in a way that three people couldn't ever think of being bonded together, it was about brotherhood and love

"Come back with me Lee, let's start over just us" Jax whispered

"It's not that easy Jax, I have a life here" Haley said looking up at him

"What is here that you can't have there?" He asked kissing her forehead

"I can't answer that Jax, because everything is there and I want to be there but I can't do this" Haley said motioning between them

"Why? What's so bad about this? Great sex, I love you and you love me how can this be bad?" Jax asked

"Because Jax. I know your married" Haley said getting out of the bed and walking into the bathroom

Currently listening to Trumpets by Jason Derulo

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