Chapter 3

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"Lee I've been divorced for almost a year now don't start this" Jax pleaded as she walked out of the bathroom still naked, he always loved seeing her naked, when they were and weren't together, they had that comfortable relationship

"Jax you still went behind my back and did it without me" Haley pouted as she sank on the bed Jax snaked his arms around her waist

"Babe, cmon don't do this" Jax said kissing her side right below her ribcage

"Ugh fine, did that junkie get your crow?" Haley asked spinning around to face Jax

"No, not her nor Tara ever got it you knew why Tara refused to get it" Jax said smiling tracing the outline of Haley's tattoo on her rib cage "why didn't you ever cover this up?" Jax asked looking at Haley

"Because deep down somewhere in the back of my mind I remember how much this fucking hurt to get some why would I torture myself a second time?" Haley asked swatting Jaxs hand away from her side

"Nah I think it's cause you knew the day was going to come" Jax smiled resting his head on her lap and looked up at her

"What day?" She asked running her hand through what little hair he had

"The day you become a Teller" he smiled up at her. Haley was unsure what was going on here, she called Jax in the middle of the night and he came, they slept together, had sex and acting like no time has passed between the two of them.

"Jax we both know I'm not cut out to be a Teller" Haley laughed

"Oh you are, your pops has finally come to accept that his only daughter will be a Teller one day" Jax smiled

"Jax, that would mean I'd have to go home" Haley sighed "and how do I know this whole thing would even work once I get there?" Haley asked

"You don't, you just have to trust me babe" Jax said sitting up

"I hate it when you say that, i know what comes with you. Girls, crow eaters, sweet butts. I can't handle all that again" Haley said bending down to find her shorts and tank top

"Nope just us this time babe I promise" Jax said

"I have to give Yen atleast two weeks notice and my job I can't just up and quit" Haley said making excuses

"So I'll come back and get you Lee it's not that big of a deal" Jax said Haley smiled at him for approval. Mostly for Jax's sake, there was no way she was moving back to Charming especially to be with Jax


Four weeks later

Haley taped up her last box and sat down on the coffee table, Jax was on his way from Charming to come pick her and her things up, they had made the agreement that she was going to stay at Jaxs but they weren't considered together, she wasn't ready for that yet. The past week she had been really feeling crappy, she ended up with the flu and still wasnt 100% yet, her body was still really weak, she stood up and went into the kitchen to get a bottle of water out of the freezer she put in there last night, just as she opened the door something fell off the top of the fridge onto the floor. She stared down at it for what felt like a million years not even realizing she hadn't been taking her birth control. All month.

The was no way she could be pregnant, she couldn't be, her and Jax weren't even together how would she raise a kid alone, so many thoughts were running through her head. So she did the only thing she could think of, run to the store and buy a test

Haley sat waiting for the three minutes it instructed the longest three minutes of her life, her anxiety was rising of the thought of bringing a child into a world that she couldn't help being a part of and with two parents that weren't married, she was still mad at Jax for that. They had always promised eachother that they would be invited to eachother weddings and be in the bridal party, but Jax didn't tell her he got married, she had to find it out from her brother the next morning. Opie said it was so she couldn't stop him. Haley didn't have a clue who she was as Opie wouldn't tell her much besides she was the best person for him at that specific moment in his life. Opie knew Haley and Jax were on the outs but Opie didn't want his twin sister dragged into anymore shit then she had already been in. Even though being the daughter of a son things still happened to her, when she was fourteen she was shot in the arm by one of the gangs during retaliation, she wasn't even supposed to be at the clubhouse that day, she skipped school to talk to Jax about the night before, the night they took each other's virginity, but he was no where to be found so she went to the clubhouse to see if he was there, Jax felt terrible for her getting shot, he knew she was feeling something more and so was he but he was terrified to tell her

Haley was broken from her thoughts when there was a knock on the door, she didn't bother looking at the test she walked out of the bathroom and opened the door to find Jax leaning against the door frame smiling at her

"Took ya long enough" he said walking into her empty place

"Yeah I got to thinking and got lost in my own head for a minute" Haley said as jax turned around

"What's going on in that head" he asked touching her face

"When I got shot" Haley smiled

"I was pretty mad at you for showing up that day" Jax said

"I know but I needed to talk to you that day" Haley said smiling at him

"Lee, you were always the talker, you never did tell me what you wanted to say" Jax said

"Its nothing now Jax that was over ten years ago" Haley laughed walking away thinking she should go look at the test results

"I think you wanted to tell me, you were coming back for more and you enjoyed it" Jax laughed

"You know your ego never used to be this big Jax" Haley laughed

"Well you started this sex monster" Jax said walking up to her and planting a kiss on her lips, she brought her fingers up to her lips

"I know. Sorry Lee. I just couldn't help myself, you know I can't ever get enough of you" Jax said kissing her again

"Jax, the deal was I came back and we weren't together, your making this hard for me" Haley said walking away and back to the bathroom

Haley picked up the test that was laying on the bathroom counter smiling at the results she tossed it in the garbage and walked out of the bathroom

Currently listening to forever by Aaron Lewis

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