Chapter 22

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Gemma walked into Haley's hospital room quietly, when Jax had called a little bit ago letting her know she was a grandma again she couldn't get ready fast enough, with leaving Abel at home with Neeta she got herself ready and headed to the hospital

"Hey guys" Gemma said quietly

" Hey ma, come meet your granddaughter" Jax said standing up and handing Maddox to Gemma

"So what's this cuties name?" Gemma asked looking at Haley

"Maddox Rose" Haley smiled

"Oh my god, you named her after me?" Gemma asked as the tears fell down her face

"We did" Jax said

"My little Maddy, your going to have me wrapped around your finger in no time" Gemma smiled looking at her granddaughter

"Told you" Haley laughed at Jax

"You were most definitely right, that little lady is going to be Gemma's pride and joy" Jax laughed

"Absolutely! This is the first girl to be born on the Teller side in decades, she's going to be the princess of Samcro" Gemma said

"Hey that was my nickname" Haley said

"Shut it, your the queen now" Gemma snorted

"She just needs a boyfriend to grow up with" Gemma said again

"Woah Ma, I'm no way ready for her to be hanging around with boys not yet" Jax said

"You wait if she's got her mother's looks you'll be locking her up till she's dead" Gemma laughed

Gemma finally felt at peace with her life, she had two beautiful grandchildren and a daughter in law that was the shit. Literally, JT couldn't of picked a better Queen for his son. They will do great things together as a family, couple and royalty

Haley sat and watched as Jax swooned over they're daughter, seeing Jax like this was something she had always envisioned, Jax may look all big and bad on the outside but once you open him up, he's just a goddamn family man who doesn't have a care in the world about using baby talk to his first born daughter

All of the members had shuffled in two by two to see baby Maddox, only a select few of them wanted to hold her, some were afraid of breaking her. The one that was excited the most to hold her shocked both Jax and Haley. The bald headed scary man was sitting and oogling over her. Happy.

Jax sat back watching all of his brothers hold his little girl, a small part of him wished his father was here to see him, to see what a grown man Jax had turned into, and to especially hold his granddaughter, Jax slipped out of the room as a few years began to fall, often thinking of his father lately would bring on a few sudden tears. Jax had never been a sentimental person, but the joy of bringing a child into the world with someone that your father and best friends father pretty much created just for you hit home a little. If Haley was never brought into this world who knows where Jax would be at this very moment.


Jax pulled the door of the storage unit open, as his mother explained where Jax's baby photos were and a few photos of his father was, recently Jax had been wanting pictures of his dad around the house, after he passed Gemma packed most of his things in the storage unit

Jax looked around for the box labeled ' John's Things' he brushed the dust off the top of the box and opened it, seeing stacks of photos a few ratty t shirts and a sealed Manila envelope, Jax opened the envelope and pulled out a binder

As she brushed some dust off the cover he opened the cover

The life and death of Sam Crow

For my son Thomas who is already at peace and for my son Jackson and best friend Haley may they never know this life of chaos

For some odd reason, Jackson takes my place in the club, Piney and I have come to a few agreements regarding Jackson's involvement

1. May he Wed his best friend Haley Winston, as she is the closest thing to love that he will ever find

2. May he follow our original plans and bring this club to peace

3. I want him to love and cherish the family that he has

Jax sat and continued to read, for hours. His phone brought him out of the trance he was in. Haley wanted to know if he was stopping back by for the night.

Jax thought it would be beneficial for him to bring this home and keep it safe. He wanted to share everything he had read with Haley, Haley idolized John just as much as she did Piney.

Jax walked into the hospital room to see Haley up and walking around

"Hey babe, sure your supposed to be up?" Jax asked setting his bag down

"Yeah, they got me out of bed a little while ago to shower. I couldn't sit anymore" Haley said as Jax kissed her

"I found a few things today while I was at the storage unit, I want to show them to you" Jax said looking into Haley's eyes

"Like what?" Haley asked

"Alot of pictures and a manuscript, it was my dad's" Jax said

"I didn't know your dad wrote" Haley chuckled

"Me either, I mean I knew he was super smart but I didn't have a clue he wrote deep shit" Jax said walking over to his bag, he pulled out the binder and handed it to Haley

"Babe, my mom can't know about this, it was in a sealed envelope. So I'm not even sure she knows this exists" Jax said as she sat down 

"Okay you think my dad knows about this?" Haley asked

"He must, JT references him several times throughout it" Jax said

Haley began reading, reading every little detail that John had written. She was impressed with the way he sounded so knowledgeable.

"Jax that's some deep shit" Haley said as she closed the binder

"I know. That's why I wanted you to read it" Jax said as he pushed it back into his bag

"What are you going to do?" Haley asked

"I'm gonna do what it says. It's gonna take some time and set a few things in motion but we will get there" Jax said looking at Haley

"Just be careful, your not even holding the gavel yet" Haley said

"Trust me babe I know what I'm doing, besides clay doesn't have much longer left to ride with his hands so he doesn't have a choice" Jax said

Worry came over Haley, even though she knew she had nothing to worry about but somewhere in the back of her mind she felt uneasy about Jaxs plans, and when shit hits the fan she needs to be prepared for it

This was shorter then I wanted it to be :(

Currently listening to wonderwall by oasis

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