Chapter 14

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Jax was later then he expected to be, he had spoken to Haley a few times throughout the day and she assured him she was okay, Gemma had stayed most of the day but left around dinner time to go home and cook for Clay.

Jax walked through the dark house, when he reached the bedroom he saw Haley sitting quietly looking through a magazine

"Hey babe, sorry I'm late" Jax said taking off his kutte

"It's okay your loving mother stocked me up with some reading material" Haley said holding up the magazine

"I take it she found out, how did that go?" Jax asked

"Better then I expected but she wants the ball rolling like yesterday" Haley said

"Whatever you want babe we will make it happen" Jax said leaning down and kissing her lips softly

"Are you gonna shower before you come to bed?"she asked looking up at him

"Yeah, want to join me?" He joked

"Sure, just no funny business" Haley said setting the magazine on the nightstand

"I know babe, no worries" Jax smiled as they walked into the bathroom

Jax watched Haley as she slept, something he always enjoyed doing in the past. She looked her most innocent when she was sleeping, although she was nothing like her twin brother. She was the calm and innocent one of the two. She didn't get the thrill of causing harm like Opie did, she was more laid back and just be simple. He couldn't believe that she agreed to getting married, something he wished he had done with her to begin with rather then Wendy, Jax knew it bothered her deep down that he married Wendy and had Abel without her, Wendy was there till fill the void that Jax was looking for while Haley was gone he often wished he waited for her because he knew he was going to end up with her anyway down the road. It's always been Haley since they were kids, before his father passed JT would always tell Jax that she would be the Queen one day and they would be married with kids, Jax knew it deep down but he knew that wasn't what Haley wanted at first, but now they were planning a wedding

Jax woke up to hear Haley cursing at herself in the kitchen and the smoke alarm going off

"Babe, what's going on" Jax said waving walking over towards the window and opening it

"I'm trying to good fucking pancakes" Haley said throwing a black puck into the trash

"You don't cook, why the sudden urge to now?" Jax laughed

"Well, when Abel comes home he's gonna need to eat. And I can't cook for shit so I thought I would try and learn" Haley said crossing her arms over her chest

"Babe, don't worry about it. Abel isn't going to be eating real food for a while still." Jax said pulling her into a hug

"Can I take the truck?" Haley asked

"Sure, where are you going?" Jax asked

"To see Abel, and look at wedding things I guess" Haley said

"Lee, you don't sound to thrilled about the wedding" Jax said looking at her

"Your mom has this vision and I just don't. Jax I'd rather get married in the clubhouse and just have family. Your mom's planning this huge thing" Haley said

"So tell her you don't want all that" Jax said Haley's head snapped back

"You want me to tell your mother, the matriarch herself no" Haley said

"Yeah babe, your gonna my wife. You can tell her no" Jax laughed

"That sounds so weird" Haley laughed

"It does, but it will grow on you but just tell her" Jax laughed walking out of the kitchen

Haley sat in the chair next to Abel's incubator, she couldn't wait until he could come out so she could hold him and kiss him. Her and Jax still hadn't discussed what the deal was going to be when Abel came home, she had no problem taking Abel on, she needed that kind of happiness. Maybe it would bring her out of the funk she had been in lately

"Oh Mrs. Teller I didn't expect you here so early" one of the nurses came in

"I'm not a Teller yet but soon, I missed the little guy.. and word on when he can come out?" Haley asked

"Probably in a week or so when he's fully healed, then he will be in the nicu for another week were hoping" she said

"Good i want to hold him" She said

"When you see Jax, can you let him know we need to sign the birth certificate, he didn't do it yesterday when he was here" The nurse said

"Yeah I'll make sure he gets up here today or first thing tomorrow, kids gotta have his dad on the birth certificate" Haley said

"The mother too, needs to be present to sign" the nurse said

"Ok, I'll talk to Jax about that" Haley said knowing Wendy was in rehab and the only way to get her out was he needed to go sign her out for the day and she wasn't pleased that Jax would have to spend almost an entire day with his ex wife

Haley walked into the office at the garage, Gemma was filing some papers

"Ready to go doll? How's my grandbaby?" Gemma asked

"He's good, hopefully he'll be out of the incubator next week, but Gem there's something I wanted to talk to you about" Haley said slowly building courage

"Your not bailing on my kid" Gemma said sternly

"No I'm not, I just ugh Gemma I don't want a fancy wedding I'm okay with getting married in the clubhouse" Haley spoke fast

"Okay so you get married in the clubhouse. Not a big deal Haley it's your wedding we can do what you want I was just throwing suggestions" Gemma smiled

"Oh, I expected you to be mad" Haley said looking at the floor

"Haley why on earth would I be mad? This is your life, your and Jaxs wedding I'm all for planning it but in the end it's your call what you want to do" Gemma said sitting next to her

"Okay, thanks Gemma" Haley smiled

"Anything for you baby girl, what you want is what you get" Gemma said giving Haley a hug

"No go get your man and take him to lunch hes gotta be starving" Gemma said

"Can you teach me how to cook?" Haley asked as she stood up

"Absolutely, gotta be able to cook for your family" Gemma said

"Thank you" Haley said walking out the office to find Jax

"Hey babe" Haley said as Jax wheeled himself out from beneath a car

"Hey ready for lunch? I'm starving" Jax said wiping his hands on a rag

"Absolutely, oh the hospital needs you and Wendy to sign his birth certificate" Haley said as they walked towards his bike

"Wendy isn't his mother so that's not happening" Jax said

"Okay I understand that but they said they need both parents signatures" Haley said

"Well she's not happening, I'll have you sign it" Jax said

"Um what?" Haley said stopping

"Do you want to be Abel's mom?" Jax asked

Oh crap! What do you think she's going to say?

Currently listening to Massachusetts by Aaron Miller

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