Chapter 1

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Jax sat on the floor of his bedroom nursing a bottle of cheap whiskey and and smoking his eigth cigarette in the past hour, his eyes were blood shot from crying and his bloody knuckles were starting to ache he didn't want to think anymore, he didn't want flashbacks of the past twenty four hours to keep reoccurring, he wanted to shut it all out, his eyes couldn't shed anymore tears, his once enraged self turned soft and quiet not being able to think properly anymore

Jackson Teller only ever loved two women in his life besides his mother, and it seemed that neither were there for him when he needed someone the most; Tara had just skipped town to take up an offer in Chicago this morning, him and Tara had alot of history since they were in high school a constant on and off, when they were on it was like nothing else mattered in the world but when they were off Jax would succumb himself to his other love in his life, the one person that promised she would be there for him no matter what happened; but that was a bold face lie. She left him just like Tara did this morning. He needed his best friend but she stopped contacting him about three years ago when he drove down to Arizona and found out she was seeing someone. Jax shouldn't of been upset when he found out, he should of been happy that she finally found someone to make her happy other then himself, after screaming and yelling at eachother and Jax beating up her now ex boyfriend she told him she never wanted to see him again

That had to of been the most hurtful thing she had ever said to Jax that day, he could hear the hate in her voice, the pain that he had caused hadn't even registered in his brain until after she was walking away from him, someone he had known his whole life just walked away from him, the person he lost his virginity to, his first love and his forever soulmate and his best friends twin sister Haley Winston.


Haley walked through the busy street, it was nearly four in the morning she was beyond inebriated, too many shots and too many beers. Haley hadn't drank like this in close to five years right before she left Charming to go to college it was her going away party that Gemma had thrown for her, Jax and Opie had given her way to many shots that night hoping she would miss the train and end up staying. She needed to get out of Charming, she was tired of constantly watching Tara break Jax's heart and then Jax breaking hers. If he wasn't with Tara he would run back to Haley, when Jax came down to visit and everything went sour things were said that Haley didn't necessarily mean but they needed to be said for Jax to take a step back and realize the things he had done and caused.

Truth was she missed Jax and Opie terribly, Jax was her best friend growing up, they did everything together with Opie. Members of the club would often call them the three musketeers when they would cause trouble together, which was often. Haley yearned to hear Jax's voice, but if he wanted to be part of her life he would of been the one to make contact after all of these years. Opie would give her constant updates on Jax whether she wanted them or not because Opie too believed that they were meant for eachother.

Haley weaved in and out of passing people as she staggered to the Chinese restaurant that was open twenty four hours. She needed to make a phone call and she couldn't find her cell phone she probably left it at Tucker's house before she just bolted without telling anyone, because she lived upstairs in a studio apartment she walked behind the counter and into the office and sat down in the chair. Yen the owner loved her like she was a daughter to him, she helped him get his business where it was today because of her degree in marketing, Haley sighed as she dialed the all too familiar phone number

"Hello?" The scratchy voice said into the phone

"Listen to you sounding all sexy when I call and wake you up" Haley sighed into the phone

"Haley? What's wrong are you okay?" He asked as he sat up and turned the nightstand light on

"Jackson I'm fine, I just needed to hear your voice" Haley said playing with the cord on the base of the telephone

"You haven't called me in three year Lee. What's going on?" Jax asked lighting a cigarette and using his nickname for her.

Haley smiled as she heard him say her nickname "I'm sorry I treated you the way I did back then Jax I'm an asshole" Haley sighed, she hated admitting when she was wrong

"I forgave you a long time ago Lee, you should know that, what's going on in that beautiful brain of yours?" Jax asked putting his pants on followed by a shirt

"I miss home Jax, I miss everything about Charming, Tuscon isn't home anymore" Haley spoke quietly into the phone

"I miss you too Lee, want me to come get you?" Jax joked at the end, it was quite for a few moments

"Yes, 3467 Main St above the Chinese restaurant number twenty-two" Haley said as she hung up the phone

Jax raced his way down the highway, he hated driving his truck but he knew that was the only way he could convince Haley to come back was if he helped her pack all her things up, Jax had just stopped to fuel up and grab another coffee, it was still another three hours of driving and he was tired, but he needed to get to her, hearing her voice at four this morning wasn't what he was expecting, even though she assured him she was fine he knew her better then that, something was wrong and she didn't want to tell him.


Haley rolled over in her bed she pushed her long brown hair out of her face and looked at the digital clock that was on her nightstand it was three in the afternoon, she didn't remember much from last night she knew she went to Tucker's house to have a few drinks and watch a movie, Tucker was her cuddle buddy when she was feeling lonely, she wanted more but she couldn't bring herself to date anyone since Jax beat the crap out of her ex Elliot three years ago, she was still mad at him for that, she wished she could just call and apologize but she hated admitting when she was wrong. As she walked across the shag carpet she heard a knock on the door, rolling her eyes she opened the door

"What are you doing here?" Haley asked almost offended

"Lee, you called me last night or early this morning and asked me to come get you" Jax said almost out of breath

"There's no way. I wouldn't of done that, I'm still mad at you" Haley said

"You may be mad but you asked to come home last night, Lee I just drove all the way here on two hours of sleep, can I just lay down for a bit and if you want when I wake up I'll be out of your hair" Jax said as he walked past her kicked his shoes off and climbed in her bed like he owned the place

Oh! What is this?!?! Couldn't keep it from y'all for too long

Currently listening to Right here by Staind

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